The Good
For a man that was born into wealth, fame & status, Ted Kennedy worked as indefatigably in the Senate to earn his stripes, as he did for the many causes of the poor & downtrodden in this country. He made his mark not by seeking protections for the well to do of his own economic and social class, but rather by fighting for Universal Healthcare for all Americans whatever their economic status. He worked hard to extend broader civil rights protections to racial, ethnic and gender minorities. His M.O. was to work tirelessly not for those born into privilege, as he was, but for anyone who aspired toward decent lives and achieving the American dream. Despite all of his well documented personal troubles, most stemming from his self indulgence into the trappings that are part of an iconic and powerful political family, Ted Kennedy steadied his political ship and when it was all said and done upon his death, he had become the third longest serving Senator in US history. He was as partisan on the issues he believed in as he was competitive when it came to Sail boating.
While it has not been talked about a lot or highlighted enough, perhaps the single most controversial contribution that Sen. Ted Kennedy may have made,was the 1965 Immigration Act that has literally changed the face of America. Picking up on the seminal work of his older brother John F. Kennedy, A Nation of Immigrants, Ted Kennedy embraced the idea and forged legislation to eliminate quotas for the entire Eastern Hemisphere which included countries such as India, China & Asia.The heart of the legislation was the elimination of the National Origin System under which up until 1965, we had huge quotas for northern Europe and virtually no quotas at all for the rest of the Eastern Hemisphere except for the minimum quota provided by law of 100.
Destructive Part of His Legacy?
In my opinion this has been Ted's worst and most destructive part of his legacy. Although, the act started out with good intentions, it has been left unchecked by too many Progressive Libs and moderate Conservatives in the process adding the bulk of our additional 100 million people into America within 40 years Illegal immigration has increased from 170,000 annually to over 1.1 million today. His actions and this act, promulgated a complete ethnic change of our once stable society into a fractured civilization. In essence, the 1965 Immigration Act has provided for the entrance of immigrants into our country at a pace that will most likely do away with our culture as we know it within the next 30 years The act has watered down citizenship by not enforcing our laws or maintaining educational standards. We have deliberately changed our ethnic makeup to placate and reward those that come into our country illegally and break our laws. And as much as those on the Left exalt the benefits of diversity, there have been very few examples of ‘diversity’ creating a stable society.
In 1986 after 21 years of steady and increasing numbers of illegal immigrants coming into this country, he proposed, wrote and encouraged Ronald Reagan to sign the 1986 Immigration Amnesty that allowed what he said were only 1.3 million illegal immigrants. The true number of immigrants that gained instant citizenship became 4.3 million. Later, Reagan said signing that amnesty was the worse mistake of his presidency. Last June, 2007, as another 20 million illegal aliens broke over U.S. borders since 1986, Kennedy tried to facilitate more amnesty by forcing S.B. 1639 into law. He voted to double legal immigration to 2.2 million annually. For this, Ted Kennedy should hold a lot of responsibility for the $346 billion in annual taxpayer dollars to defray the cost of supporting illegal immigrants & their families.
With all of the downside of the suffocating numbers of illegal immigrants coming into this country today, thanks in large part to Ted Kennedy, the one thing that I find really troubling and may be his biggest black mark, is how Ted Kennedy tried to undermine two of our Presidents, Jimmy Carter & Ronald Reagan for personal political gain It bothers me to no end when I have to listen to people like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the mainstream media carry on and complain about how the American people are idiots & uninformed and are trying to undermine & sabotage the President’s Healthcare Reform Bill. It is so disingenuous. Yet, no one has the guile to report on the complete Ted Kennedy story. This my friends, is also part of his legacy. Report it!!
Kennedy very Impressed with Andropov
In this May 14, 1983, letter written by underling Viktor Chebrikov to Andropov, he relayed Kennedy’s offer to meet, Chebrikov explaining that Kennedy blamed poor American-Soviet relations not on the Communist country, but on President Reagan. According to Chebrikov’s letter, Kennedy said he wanted to stop Reagan’s re-election effort in 1984. These revelations reported in 1992 suggest insight into a man so obsessed with the acquisition of personal political power that he would reach out to the communist Soviet Union for help in undermining not one but two American presidents, one from his own political party. So as always, there are 2 sides to every person & story. I hope that in looking at Ted Kennedy’s long life of achievement, you do not turn the page on this chapter.
For a man that was born into wealth, fame & status, Ted Kennedy worked as indefatigably in the Senate to earn his stripes, as he did for the many causes of the poor & downtrodden in this country. He made his mark not by seeking protections for the well to do of his own economic and social class, but rather by fighting for Universal Healthcare for all Americans whatever their economic status. He worked hard to extend broader civil rights protections to racial, ethnic and gender minorities. His M.O. was to work tirelessly not for those born into privilege, as he was, but for anyone who aspired toward decent lives and achieving the American dream. Despite all of his well documented personal troubles, most stemming from his self indulgence into the trappings that are part of an iconic and powerful political family, Ted Kennedy steadied his political ship and when it was all said and done upon his death, he had become the third longest serving Senator in US history. He was as partisan on the issues he believed in as he was competitive when it came to Sail boating.
While it has not been talked about a lot or highlighted enough, perhaps the single most controversial contribution that Sen. Ted Kennedy may have made,was the 1965 Immigration Act that has literally changed the face of America. Picking up on the seminal work of his older brother John F. Kennedy, A Nation of Immigrants, Ted Kennedy embraced the idea and forged legislation to eliminate quotas for the entire Eastern Hemisphere which included countries such as India, China & Asia.The heart of the legislation was the elimination of the National Origin System under which up until 1965, we had huge quotas for northern Europe and virtually no quotas at all for the rest of the Eastern Hemisphere except for the minimum quota provided by law of 100.
Thus, up until the 1965 Act, there was an annual quota in excess of 65,000 per year for citizens of Great Britain and 100 per year for India and 100 per year for China and so forth. The 1965 Act completely eliminated the National Origins Test and provided immigration based upon the principles of family reunification and the needs of the U.S. economy where U.S. employers could prove the unavailability of qualified U.S. workers. Ironically, the 1965 Act also imposed for the first time quotas that went into effect for the Western Hemisphere, which ultimately resulted in the situation we find ourselves in today of having large numbers of undocumented workers.
Destructive Part of His Legacy?
In my opinion this has been Ted's worst and most destructive part of his legacy. Although, the act started out with good intentions, it has been left unchecked by too many Progressive Libs and moderate Conservatives in the process adding the bulk of our additional 100 million people into America within 40 years Illegal immigration has increased from 170,000 annually to over 1.1 million today. His actions and this act, promulgated a complete ethnic change of our once stable society into a fractured civilization. In essence, the 1965 Immigration Act has provided for the entrance of immigrants into our country at a pace that will most likely do away with our culture as we know it within the next 30 years The act has watered down citizenship by not enforcing our laws or maintaining educational standards. We have deliberately changed our ethnic makeup to placate and reward those that come into our country illegally and break our laws. And as much as those on the Left exalt the benefits of diversity, there have been very few examples of ‘diversity’ creating a stable society.
For forty four years, Ted Kennedy watched as millions of immigrants poured into this country. He helped facilitate and languished as millions of illegal aliens marched across our borders and wreaked havoc on our schools, communities, jobs, hospitals, language and prisons, while placing an unnecessary on many of our states budgets. He remained silent as over 20,000 members of MS-13 gangs distributed over $130 billion in drugs yearly. Taxpayers help pay for 400,000 babies born to illegal alien mothers annually. Now we know why Ted always talked about Universal Healthcare for everyone. We provide food stamps for about 25 million Americans as a result of illegal immigrants accepting lower wages and taking jobs away from our working poor..
Teddy Roosevelt once said,
“The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, or preventing
all possibility of its continuing as a nation at all, would be to permit it to
become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.”
In 1986 after 21 years of steady and increasing numbers of illegal immigrants coming into this country, he proposed, wrote and encouraged Ronald Reagan to sign the 1986 Immigration Amnesty that allowed what he said were only 1.3 million illegal immigrants. The true number of immigrants that gained instant citizenship became 4.3 million. Later, Reagan said signing that amnesty was the worse mistake of his presidency. Last June, 2007, as another 20 million illegal aliens broke over U.S. borders since 1986, Kennedy tried to facilitate more amnesty by forcing S.B. 1639 into law. He voted to double legal immigration to 2.2 million annually. For this, Ted Kennedy should hold a lot of responsibility for the $346 billion in annual taxpayer dollars to defray the cost of supporting illegal immigrants & their families.
With all of the downside of the suffocating numbers of illegal immigrants coming into this country today, thanks in large part to Ted Kennedy, the one thing that I find really troubling and may be his biggest black mark, is how Ted Kennedy tried to undermine two of our Presidents, Jimmy Carter & Ronald Reagan for personal political gain It bothers me to no end when I have to listen to people like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the mainstream media carry on and complain about how the American people are idiots & uninformed and are trying to undermine & sabotage the President’s Healthcare Reform Bill. It is so disingenuous. Yet, no one has the guile to report on the complete Ted Kennedy story. This my friends, is also part of his legacy. Report it!!
Kennedy very Impressed with Andropov
In this May 14, 1983, letter written by underling Viktor Chebrikov to Andropov, he relayed Kennedy’s offer to meet, Chebrikov explaining that Kennedy blamed poor American-Soviet relations not on the Communist country, but on President Reagan. According to Chebrikov’s letter, Kennedy said he wanted to stop Reagan’s re-election effort in 1984. These revelations reported in 1992 suggest insight into a man so obsessed with the acquisition of personal political power that he would reach out to the communist Soviet Union for help in undermining not one but two American presidents, one from his own political party. So as always, there are 2 sides to every person & story. I hope that in looking at Ted Kennedy’s long life of achievement, you do not turn the page on this chapter.