Saturday, March 28, 2009

High Crimes & Misdemeanors

High crimes and misdemeanors is a phrase found in Section 4 of Article Two of the United States Constitution:
"The President, Vice President and all civil
officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."
While it may be too soon into this administration to throw around the 'I" word, there are certainly a host of candidates that seem to be testing the hands of fate often & early.

Impeachment in it of itself cannot remove a Government Official from office. Although if you listen to Dennis Kucinich, he would have you believe otherwise. Impeachment is merely one of two steps that will lead to a Legislative vote which will determine conviction or failure to convict. A resolution to authorize an investigation regarding impeachable conduct is referred to the House Committee on Rules, and then referred to the Judiciary Committee. The House Committee on the Judiciary, by majority vote & determine whether grounds or impeachment exist. Clarifying who is subject to Impeachment, may be an issue that could very well come into play sooner than later. While Section 4 of Article II clearly states that the President, Vice President & all Civil Officers are subject to impeachment, some think that Congressional Members are not "Officers" of the United States. So if you were hoping for a Pelosi Impeachment, don't hold your breath.This may be the only saving grace for the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. Talks about abuse of power, in my opinion she is guilty as sin. Yet the Daniel Hannan's of the world are no where to be seen or heard enough in these Chambers to call for her impeachment.

If not Pelosi, then why not Tim Geithner? Throughout history, many Federal Judges have been removed & impeached for Tax Evasion. I take it then that Tax Evasion is at a minimum a misdemeanor.What about the way he has handled the AIG mess? So, why not fire Tim? Or better yet, why not impeachment under the grounds of "maladministration" or "incompetence"? This is what George Mason had favoured all along hundreds of years ago during the infancy of this great country. That is until James Madison stated his case. Impeachment only for criminal behavior. Tim, you can now thank two presidents for saving your job. Contrary to the argument that many are using, "why fire Tim Geithner when there is no one better to replace him", I say that this is laughable. When the national unemployment rate is at 8%, believe me, there are plenty of people looking for work.
Finally, is President Barrack Obama impeachable? Is he impeachable? Realistically, probably not. No Democratically lead Senate & Congress would even entertain the thought, but is there cause to think about it. I think so.Under the broad terms and interpretation of High Crimes & misdemeanors, the description below may give you cause for further scrutiny..

"High" in the legal parlance of the 18th century meant "against the State". A high crime is one which seeks the overthrow of the country, which gives aid or comfort to its enemies, or which injures the country to the profit of an individual or group. In democracies and similar societies it also includes crimes which attempt to alter the outcome of elections."
Does talking down the Markets and economy intentionally, make you culpable of High Crimes & Misdemeanors? Who has been benefiting from all of the meltdown in the markets recently? Who is the one person making billions at the expense of this market? Mr. George Soros The same George Soros that backed MoveOn.Org and poured millions into Obamas Presidential run. The same George Soros that basically ruined the European dollar. What about " Crimes which attempt to alter the outcome of elections" How did that work out? Remember all the outcry during the campaign about ACORN and all of their voter registration problems in about 15 different states? All states coincidentally where Obama was running tied or behind at the time in many election polls. Where was the follow up investigation into all of these incidents of voter fraud? To make matters worse, and to ensure the practice continues to sway election results in the future, ACORN and other similar organizations will be the recipients of about 5 Billion dollars of your hard earned tax dollars as a payback for doing such a great job. Now, we do know that the President had his hands all over this.He contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars and enabled ACORN to impose it's will on the outcome of the 2008 Presidential election. Yet for the sake of the historic nature of this Presidential election, no one will be allowed to question it.

On the other hand, you & I are being asked to sit idly by and reign in our spending as we watch the government spend Trillions of our hard earned tax dollars on Entitlement programs & interest on the debt that we will never pay back to China. If this is what you expect from your government, then I suppose that High Crimes & Misdemeanors should not be a concern to you.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Daniel Hannan a Conservative Member of the European Parliament did something that many of our leaders & members of the Mainstream Media here in the US have failed to do recently. He took to task Prime Minister Gordon Brown and lambasted him for basically running his country into the ground.
This is the sort of speech that has the Obama administration shaking in their boots. The sort of speech that has Pelosi & Friends pushing for the elimination of Conservative Talk Radio. This is the sort of straightforward no nonsense tongue lashing that Liberals would soon like to forget and Conservatives should embrace & practice more of.

Here is complete speech for your edification:


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


After a week of yukking it up on the Jay Leno show and and laughing off the economic situation on 60 Minutes, President Barrack Obama delivered his second Prime Time News conference in a somewhat more subdued manner. Whether this was by design or not, there were no one-liners aimed at the Special Olympics , Republicans or any one opposed to his Massive $3.6 Trillion Budget Proposal.

If the primary goal of this Press Love fest was to try to sell & convince the American people that his proposed $3.6 Trillion dollar Budget is part and parcel with the Economic recovery, than in Standup Comedy parlance, he bombed. We, the American people are not dumb. We are not all Pamela Andersons or Obama Girls or guys that get tingly feelings running up our legs everytime Mr. Obama speaks. Many of us are starting to understand & realize that in order to build trust and credibility there has to be a certain level of transparency and truthfulness when the government is asking each & everyone one of us to pay $36,000 of the current $11 Trillion dollar deficit that is mounting by the second. Debt that not only will smother the dreams our children’s children but will also undoubtedly bankrupt this nation right before our very own eyes. Taking with it the dreams of millions whose future is now.

We are all being asked to blindly jump on board with what amounts to a massive, radical spending, borrowing & tax plan. A plan that after all is said and done will amass more debt than the previous 43 Presidents combined. A plan that is asking the American people to sacrifice more of their hard earned dollars for the sake of saving the Polar Bear, Green cars and long lines at the doctors office.
While most Americans understand the need to explore alternative sources of energy, and at some point reform health care, these items will not do anything to create jobs today, tomorrow or next year.
The concern is from many. Democrats & Republicans alike have expressed concerns about the scale of this unprecedented spending spree. There is so much money being printed that it would make the staunchest tree hugging Liberal cringe.

Even the president of the European Union has been quoted as saying that "Obama’s plans to spend his way out of recession are a road to hell”
China as well has voiced her worries about the ability of the US to repay back the Trillions in debt owed to them. Debt that eats up about 8% of our Budget every year.

When President Obama stands in front of the cameras and reads from his teleprompter, his words come across as hollow. When he says that he will go line by line and cut wasteful spending, he never mentions which domestic or entitlement programs he is targeting. Yet he wants you to believe that spending Trillions is necessary and fiscally prudent. It just doesn’t jive.
There is never any mention form the administration or the Mainstream Media of the actual cost of the Cap & Trade program. There is never any mention of the fact that for every $8 dollars Americans pay into this program they will only get back $1 in tax relief. They do not mention the costs that will be incurred by businesses and passed on to consumers in the form of higher electric and gas prices. They do not mention that this program will impose a bigger burden on & hurt the poor and middle class more than the rich & well to do. Even the President’s own OMB Director, Peter Orzag is on record of stating this very same concern. There is never any mention by the media that this Cap & Trade program will have no effect on the climate or any benefit to taxpayers. The Wall Street Journal has stated that "Cap & Trade is a scheme to redistribute wealth. Redistribute wealth from the working Class to the wealthy. People who know how to leverage the political class” The Mainstream Media will not tell you that this is simply another money grab to deliver money and power to the government.
When the President talks about Health care reform, he does not mention the Medical review Boards that will decide what is treatable and what is not, he does not mention that millions of illegal immigrants will benefit from this program as well. The Mainstream Media will never report on the failures of National Health care in foreign countries of for that matter of the failures of States here in the US that have tried to implement Health Care reform.
We are no where near getting this economy back up on its feet and yet the President feels the to continue to burden Americans with record breaking spending proposals at a pace that will make FDR look like a Fiscal Conservative..
We as Americans demand & deserve real solutions to our economic problems as long as the spending is short term.The idea that we should continue to throw more money at all our problems cannot be sustained over the long haul without doing irreversible damage.
It is going to take less than 100 days for this President to undo the work of our founding fathers and the millions thereafter who have shaped this great country of ours over the last 300 years.
We are in a perilous & dangerous point in time where the foundation of this country may be altered for ever. If you are concerned about the direction this administration is taking this country in, if you care about the greatness of this country and want your children & grandchildren to recognize & remeber it as you did and your grandfather did and every great American has since her birth, then I suggest you contact your Representatives & Senators & let them know you care and are Taxed Enough Already.

Tell your President to stop complaining about how he inherited a Trillion dollar deficit & remind himself that the Honeymoon is over. Time to put the blame game to bed and begin to to do job he was elected to do. LEAD.
Reference: Obama Warns about Raising Your Energy Bill


Sunday, March 22, 2009

I Smell A Rat

I must say, I find it quite disheartening to learn that now, after the public has learned of the loop holes in the bail out and the public has shown it's disgust, that now a committee is being put together to monitor the spending of these companies that received our tax monies. Again, why wait until the bridge has fallen to pieces before taking action? Why is Obama still supporting Geithner when he was well aware of the happenings? Why is it that we are still hearing all about how AIG needs to give these bonuses and not hearing a solid finanical plan to keep companies like AIG and Citicorp from needing future monies? Citicorp who has received multiple handouts is still building their own town full of condos for their executives. I ask, is this a reasonable endeavor to be followed through on if you are receiving money from the government to keep from going under?

Now they are unveiling a new plan that will allow the government to seize toxic assets (just what the government needs - toxic assets) and hand over the decision making of these insurance and financial giants to Geithner? The same man that managed to let the loop hole slide? This is like repairing that bridge with it's failed pieces. I fear that this is not the wisest plan. Are we sure we are not living in the 1800's when the cabinet was filled with those that worked the campaign for the President instead of those most qualified? What hold does Geithner have on Obama?

It is time that we come together as citizens of this great country, we need to be aware, to read, to learn to feel the outrage and know we can make a difference. For a country founded on patriotism and the desire to have a say in what happens in this country, we have fallen horribly short and failed ourselves. What happened to the turn out of 80% at the polls, of citizens who truly cared? Instead we follow baseball and watch as these teams dole out $45million dollars for a two year contract to a player and not blink an eye. Yet we fail to follow the leaders of our country so that we can make an informed decision. We need to stand as one and scream out that we will take no more, that we demand an answer, we demand justice.

Together, we can make a difference.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


The one thing that irks & irritates me the most about this ongoing AIG bonus fiasco isn't whether it was in the best interest of the company to issue these big bonuses to its employees after accepting TARP money or the fact that AIG had filed suit 3 weeks ago against the the very same Government that bailed them out to try and recoup over $300 million dollars in back taxes. We all have a sense that something is not right with all of this. Who would not sign up for a $1 million dollar bonus? I think all of us under similar circumstances would have accepted these bonus contracts. But when Congressman Barney Frank stands in front of the American people and feigns outrage and starts to point fingers in every direction but his, it just shows that Frank always puts his job ahead of country. He goes around beating the morally wrong drum without ever noticing the hypocrisy drooling out of both sides of his mouth. This is the same Congressman that Chairs the Financial Services Committee and was front and center in support of enactment of TARP, which at the time had no restrictions or strings attached to executive pay or bonuses.
This is the same Barney Frank that made sure OneUnited Bank in Boston received a $12 million dollar infusion of federal cash- a bank that had already been accused of ‘unsafe and unsound banking practices.’ A bank whose CEO was sharply criticized by regulators for excessive pay that included a Porsche. Frank knew that this bank was under scrutiny and yet he included specific provisions in TARP aimed at bailing out OneUnited and spoke directly to Treasury officials about it. This is the same Barney Frank that irresponsibly defended the activities of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac over the years, even when it became clear that executives at the two giant government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) had manipulated earnings statements and gifted themselves with huge bonuses based on the bogus numbers, misled regulators, and steered the companies into such shoddy condition that they posed a systemic risk to the entire financial system. Chairman Frank must regret his September 11, 2003 statement to The New York Times that Fannie and Freddie “are not facing any kind of financial crisis…[t]he more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.” During a 2003 committee hearing related to establishing oversight over the GSEs, he casually announced that he didn’t want “the same kind of focus on safety and soundness that we have in Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Office of Thrift Supervision. I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing.” We know how that worked out: the GSEs are now almost entirely owned by the taxpayers; Freddie Mac tapped the Treasury for $13.8 billion in 2008; and Fannie Mae is on deck to get $15.2 billion this year. Yet is advocating to cut our Military spending by 25%.
I can go on and and cite all the instances where Frank has been wrong and irresponsible. We all should know more about Congressman Franks morally correct take on all of this because he has been the Poster Boy for morals. Allowing your apartment to be used as a call boy headquarters by a male prostitute definitely pads that resume.
Well now Mr Frank can add one more nugget to his already undistinguished resume, Porker of the month. At a time when all Americans are being asked to be thrifty and spend wisely, Mr Frank has gone the opposite way again.Thus garnering the Porker of the Month award
given by Citizens Against Government Waste, a taxpayer watchdog. Just one more trophy to add to his already extensive collection of incompetency awards.
If you are fed up with Phony Barney Frank, contact him and tell him to be a real leader and stop insulting the people's intelligence. We are unto you Barney.
Thanks to Leslie Paige for providing information related to this story.
You can contact Leslie @ 202-467-5334 or

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Will the real Andrew Cuomo please stand up.

If you had never heard of NY State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo before this weeks AIG big Bonus blow-up, you would think that he was an iron fisted AG in the mold of Rudy Guiliani.

Unfortunately, Andrew Cuomo has been around the block for quite a long time. He has been involved in the New York State political scene for well over 20 years and if it were not for the name Cuomo, not too many people would care.

This week, AG Andy Cuomo decided to put on his Superman cape and go after a bunch of suit clad 9-5'ers who happen to ply their trade in the Wall St. District for AIG. These greedy Capitalists must be stopped. How dare they have the nerve to earn bonuses. This is morally wrong..Obama says it is.. The world as we know it will change for the worse if these crooks are not stopped.
You see, this is what a typical bully would do. He targets a victim that has been ostracized or ridiculed by his peers and then unsuspectingly moves in and lands a blow to the gut knowing that they will not fight back. This is what Andy does, he picks on easy targets. He sees Wall Street as the bad guy, the culprit in this financial crisis, Obama said so. He is playing right into President Obama's rhetoric that wants to paint Capitalism and Wall Street as the primary transgressors in the current state of the economy.So when it came time for Super Andy to catch the bad guys at Fannie & Freddie, there apparently was either a shortage of phone booths or a cape malfunction .

As Secretary of HUD from 1997-2001, he did everything in his power to run the agency into the ground. Here is what the GAO had to say about the condition Cuomo left HUD in,"Significant weaknesses (internal controls, information and financial-management systems, organizational deficiencies and staffing programs) still persist in two of HUD's major program areas which remain at high-risk -- Single-Family Insurance and Rental Housing Assistance."
Under his same watch, there was the Audit catastophre in 1999 where billions of dollars went unaccounted for and the agency's financial system was declared to be defective. These lapses no doubt led to the ability of Franklin Raines and his cronies at Fannie & Freddie to manipulate earnings, cook the books and in the process earn himself, Jamie Gorelick and others millions of dollars in bonuses.So for Andy Cuomo to stand in front of America and state that he wants to come down hard on these suits from Wall St. is a laugh.

Why not call out Franklin Raines or Jamie Gorelick Mr. tough guy. You think they could return half of their $100 million in bonuses? The reason may lie in the fact that he has played a bigger part in this mess than most people would know. He is covering his tracks. He wants to be the Knight in shining armor. He wants you to believe that capitalism is the enemy. He wants you to believe that goverment will save the day. He is a just another bully picking on an easy target.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

AIG Bonuses - The Truth Be Known

My question is not necessarily directed at the media but those in Congress, those who we have put there to look out for us little citizens with small voices. Did anyone list within this sacred bail out document conditions that nullified any bonus packages? The chant that had gone out when this bail out was decided upon was no more executive bonuses! But did those who voted realize that Federal Reserve did not and was not going to monitor bonuses made by the company? “…The Fed had "limited rights" in its oversight of AIG, Bernanke wrote Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., and was "not in a position to review or approve all of the specific compensation or other expenditures" at the insurance company.”

I am outraged at these loathsome amounts. Yes Liddy inherited this problem, (he has been quoted that the bonuses were not his idea and he thinks they are distasteful– yet he allowed them) but he was aware of these contractual bonuses from the beginning, as was the government. Why was this not dealt with when they handed over our money to bail these companies out? Why wait until the deed has been done to state their outrage and demand these individuals return the money? Are we not supposed to plan and be proactive instead of reactive? Is this how our government does business? Wait until the problem is here and the bridge has been crossed before deciding to take action? That is not how a business or a government can be run and survive.

I feel that these individuals receiving these bonuses should not have expected the money when the financial problems were fully realized. We do not give raises and bonuses to employees when there is not profit to do so, that is just bad business.

These actions leave me with many questions. Such as, do we continue to hand AIG bail out money as was the original plan? Will they disqualify bonuses in the future that are still listed in the contracts of their “exceptional employees” (aren’t these the same employees who put them in their financial straights to begin with – yes let’s reward children for bad behavior)?What happens if the government does not give them future monies? Will AIG fail and throw us into more of an economic upheaval? Has anyone looked closer at the connection of Goldman Sachs, Hank Paulson and Liddy? That is a connection that concerns me –and why is no one bringing their connections to light?

If not for us little citizens with little voices – where would this country be? It is time for someone to start listening and for all of us with little voices, speak as one to ensure we are heard.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


It seems that by the way the Drive by Media has been reporting AIG’s $165 million dollars in bonuses to current and ex-employees, you would think that the Democrats who are suddenly up in arms & doling out all the criticism and reprimands, have never had their hands out to AIG for political contributions. No, no way. Chris Dodd taking contributions from AIG, never. Max “Mucus” Baucus accepting political cash from AIG, only in your dreams. Barrack Obama on AIG’s contribution list… Andrew Cuomo, Barney Frank, Chuck “The Schmuck’ Schumer,Maxine “Troubled” Waters, Barbara Boxer, Harry “The Body Odor” Reid, Nancy “Botox’ Pelosi. Impossible. That is what the Mainstream media will have you believe. Who cares about 9 trillion dollar budgets filled with entitlements up the gazoot, when we can whip on AIG employees who earned bonuses that were exempt from penalties by Mr. Potato head Chris Dodd.

Has ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC or any of the other lame Driveby’s questioned Chris Dodd’s involvement in any of this mess? Does anyone know that Barrack Obama was one of the biggest recipients of AIG Political contributions? That Chris Dodd was second on that same list?
What about Andrew Cuomo? Wasn’t he running HUD & helped Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac plunge into the sub-prime markets?The same Andrew Cuomo who never bothered to put in place any means of monitoring these risky investments. Read more here. Where was Andrew Cuomo when Franklin Raines & Jamie Gorelick were benefiting from inflated bonuses based on Enron-style accounting? Hello, anybody out there paying attention? What about Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner?Wasn't he running the NY federal Reserve at one point? He knew bonuses were going to be given out two weeks ago because he also knew that these contracts were drawn up back in March of 2008 before any bailout money was ever given.
Why is he up in arms now.? Why not stop this 2 weeks ago?

Does anyone know if Katie Couric is still a reporter? Where the heck is George Stephanopoulos? George, can you ask a tough question more than once a year?…Chris Matthews..Tingly sensation part II. Chris Matthews the same guy that uttered "Oh God" as Louisiana Republican Governor, Bobby Jindal was about to come on and give a speech? Or the same guy known for his woman bashing & gay remarks?Don't want to hurt Obama's feelings?No time for investigative reporting?

The reason they are not covering the other side of this mess and all the players involved is because they know that this is an embarrassment to this administration. An embarrassment to everyone one of those Senators & Congressman who voted for the same $787 billion Stimulus Bill that Barrack Obama failed to read. It is an embarrassment because if he would have read it, he would have come across a provision that would have allowed for bonuses given prior to Feb 11th 2009. Chris Dodd added this provision in the bill. Can the good people of Connecticut please tell Chris Dodd to get the hell out Washington already. This guy is useless.
What about Barney “Yosemite Sam” Frank? Mr. Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac are doing well….Hey Barney get the bolony sandwich out of your mouth and beg the American people to vote you out of office. This is what happens when you try to rush passing a bill of this enormity with so many provisions that no one could have taken the time to read it.

I understand that the American people are angry and rightly so. I don’t know anyone of those employees receiving these bonuses, I don’t know if they were good employees and I don’t know the contractual terms for these bonuses. But to make them out to be greedy & out of touch is not doing justice to the story. These bonus contracts were drawn up long before the banking & financial crisis came along.
The truth is that many in this current administration have to bear some of the blame. A lot of them knew about the bonuses.Barrack Obama stood silent for 2 weeks and said nothing. Yet he had time to go on the Jay Leno Show to try out his new material. The mainstream media once again has done and is doing a terrible job of identifying all the culprits in this mess. I am calling every one of you out and daring you to run one story blaming any of the aforementioned bozos and their incompetence in handling this Bailout fiasco. I will be watching but I doubt you will do your moral duty and report the news so that Americans know the real truth.
If you are upset with incompetent news reporting, let the TV Networks know.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Ex Pa. Senator convicted of bilking millions from Senate & Non Profit Org.

Long time Democratic Senator from Pa. Vincent Fumo, was convicted of more than 130 counts of fraud & corruption schemes that enabled him to live the life of the Rich & Famous. Not that he needed the money, Fumo already a multimillionaire banker & lawyer defended himself by saying that he only borrowed tools & equipment that actually cost a fraction of the amount in question. My questions then is, were there any Home Depots nearby? Senator, you deserve what you got. The next time you need some good tools will probably be in the machine shop of Leavenworth Federal Prison where you will most likely need them to pull your head out of your a**. Tired of Dirty Politicians stealing tax payer money, call your State Representatives and let them know how feel...
Thanks to MaryClaire Dale, AP Reporter for this story..

Sunday, March 15, 2009


President Barrack Obama once again does a 360 on one of his campaign promises.
"I will go line by and make sure we are not spending money unwisely." That's what Mr. Obama said when talking about his approach to curtail wasteful Gvt. spending and earmark reform. Well last week he had an opportunity to pad his approval rating with Moderates & some Conservatives by rejecting the $410 Billion Omnibus Bill, instead he lied to the American people again. Was there anything about amnesia on his Medical records? Or was that on John McCain's ?

read more | digg story


BUM - David Patterson and a host of NYC employees, mostly department heads & commissioners have been taking advantage of taxpayer money to the tune of $86 million just this fiscal year alone, which allows them to use free cars & chauffeurs & in some instances gas cards to get to and from work.

At a time when everyone is being asked to conserve or cutback, deal with the rising cost and declining service from public transportation, it is a complete embarrassment to the city to have these city employees shuttled around like Hollywood Moguls on their way to Oscar Night.In some instances, some of the employees are mere blocks away from a train stations but yet choose to to driven to work anyway. With the State of NY facing a $14 Billion Budget shortfall, I think Mr David Patterson owes it to the taxpayers of New York to act a little more fiscally responsible and instead should revamp this little known perk. Maybe Skateboards or new Bicycles would not be a bad idea. If you feel this is an outrage, please call your state & city officials and let them know you are not happy.

Friday, March 13, 2009


The GOP should go about the business of leading by example and bringing their message of Conservative values straight to the American people instead of throwing their own party leaders under the bus everytime there is controversy within party ranks. Throwing Michael Steele under the bus or painting Rush Limbaugh as the face of the Conservative movement is not going to pursuade voters to jump on the Republican Band wagon. These so called party leaders must ensure that they are on point with their message and stand as a United front that will provide solutions to Americans across the country

read more | digg story

Troubled Waters for Maxine

Congresswoman Maxine Waters has stirred up some controversy over her involvement with seeking Federal Bailout monies for a bank that she apparently has family financial ties.

The bank, One-United sought to secure $50 million in bailout funds with with the help of Mrs. Waters influence who sits on the House Financial Services Committee.
One problem though, Mrs. Waters failed to disclose that her husband Sydney Williams who served on the Banks Board until last year and who has held as much as $250,000 in stock.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Nancy "Botox" Pelosi is at it again..The hypocrisy drips off her like raindrops gushing down gutters after a mid afternoon thunderstorm....

At a time when the American people are being asked to do more with less, Mrs. Pelosi has the gall to make a case for traveling in a bigger plane.
We understand that the government must provide her transportation in order for her to travel back to San Francisco to be with her family & Constituents, but why the bigger plane ?
The reason apparently has to do with her wanting to fly non-stop versus having to fly in the smaller plane provided by the government that would need to make a stop to refuel...Documents obtained by goverment watchdog Judicial watch show details of Pelosi's outrageous demands including requests for her favorite plane, Gulfstream's G-5. This is the same plane you will catch rappers Jay-Z & 50 cent traveling in.

Just another case of a Hypocritical Lib talking out of both sides of her mouth......
The more disturbing part of all of this is how some members of the MSM has actually tried to spin this in her favor.. If you want to let Mrs Pelosi know that the Air Force is not her personal Airline & that she should stop spending taxpayer money, contact her and let her know that you are upset....

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Bye, Bye Bernie

Bernie Madoff, the shameless Ponzi schemer, who bilked billions of dollars from clueless investors, was sent off to jail after pleading guilty. Facing a possible 150 years behind bars, Madoff plead guilty in hopes of working out a deal with the Feds. Let's face it Bernie, you will not be seeing the New York Sklyline again any time soon. If there is any consolation to the hundreds of investors that were duped is the fact that Mr. Madoff may be willing to share information that may lead investigators to some of the hidden accounts. Meanwhile, Mrs. Madoff maintains that the 70 or so million dollars she has laying around had nothing to do with the Ponzi scheme....Sure, and I believe in the tooth fairy as well..Why not arrest her too? Wasn't she privvy to all this information?

I have a suggestion. Why not take some of that remaining TARP money sitting around in Tim Geithners backyard and bailout all of those unsuspecting investors who were ripped off by Bernie. That would be such a great PR move for the Obama administration that his approval ratings would probably go thru the roof.. "Obama bails out Bernie's bamboozled bunch."

See related story...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Another Corrupt Politician Facing the Music

Ex-Mayor Joseph Vas is in the biggest fight of his life. Charges of corruption had plagued the former Mayor throughout the last few years of his administration, and now finally, he will have to defend himself against these charges.

Once a larger than life figure and the face of Perth Amboy's ressurgence as a prominent waterfront town, may now just become another number in a long list of shameless & unscrupulous politicos to hone their skills in New Jersey.

If he is found guilty of all allegations, he should immediately renounce from his Legislative seat and opologize to the residents of Perth Amboy and his Legislative constituents.

Allegedly, some of the stolen money went towards the purchase of beachwear and sneakers for himself. Hey Mayor, if you had asked me, I would have given you the money. No mayor should be seen walking the streets of Perth Amboy in any pair of sneakers. The beachwear, I understand. After all you did clean up the waterfront area, so you do deserve the privelege of some nice beachwear to stroll down the boardwalk while on the way to work..
I'd like to see how the local liberal media will spin this bit of news. Read Complete Story

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Government Sets Us Up for the Next Bust

When is the Government going to realize that enough spending is enough..Why is it that the Federal Government thinks that pouring Billions of dollars into failing banks such as Citicorp will make their problems go away? Why should the government reward bad behavior? In a free market society, the forces that control pricing, supply & demand have a way of weeding out the winners from the losers...

I have seen a ton of professional Sports Leagues in every sport & market go under simply because the demand was not there or they were mismanaged. No one came to their rescue and thought it was a good idea to keep the USFL around. They were bad products and deserved to go under. In Sports, leagues come and go. Only the best run & managed leagues stay around... Then so should be the case when it comes to these banks. No one bank is too big to fail...One banks failure creates anothers opportunity.. We should not have our tax dollars go toward purchasing interests in the banking industry or any financial entity for that matter.

Government Sets Us Up for the Next Bust

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