Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Finally. Obama Admits Iraq Surge Worked.

Why was something that was so obvious to most Americans, politicians & pundits, so difficult for our Commander-in-Chief to admit? What could possibly be the reason for President Barack Obama and many of his Democratic cohorts and skeptics for not acknowledging that the surge in Iraq worked better than they ever thought it would?

I really cannot comprehend for the life of me, what is it that President Obama hopes to accomplish by behaving so childish over this issue. The surge worked. Why can’t our President admit the obvious? Why can’t he hold a press conference and just come out and be upfront to the American public and finally confess, that the surge worked?

Oh, I see. What a terrible thing it would be for our President to be called a flip-flopper. A Bush sympathizer. A war-mongering President. That would be too much to bear. Admit that Bush was actually right? Never in a million years.
Not even on the day of his troop level decision making speech at West Point where half the cadets fell asleep on him, could he muster up one iota of respect for his predecessors’ contributions and success of the surge in Iraq. The best his teleprompter could spit out was:

“Today, after extraordinary costs, we are bringing the Iraq war to a responsible end.”
“That we are doing so is a testament to the character of our men and women in uniform. Thanks to their courage, grit and perseverance, we have given Iraqis a chance to shape their future, and we are successfully leaving Iraq to its people.”

Never once did he mention the success of the surge or give credit to the Bush administration. Hey, Mr. Obama, the campaign is over. You are President. It’s ok to say that the surge worked. We get it already. We know that you opposed the surge all throughout your campaign and as far back as 2007. You did not believe in our troops then, and as we will see, you don’t’ believe in them now.

But this is December 2009. We all now know that the surge worked. And every soldier’s family that lost a son or a daughter in this conflict should know so as well.
So when you go in front of the American people to try and sell them on escalating the war in Afghanistan and to commit more of their children to the ravages of war, wouldn’t it be an easier sell if you simply told them that because of the valor demonstrated by their brave sons & daughter’s and the success of the surge in Iraq, millions of people there will begin to one day enjoy the same freedoms we take for granted here at home?

Wouldn’t it be easier to say that we kicked-ass and were victorious in Iraq instead of being politically correct and watering down that success? Why is it always about “Hard-earned milestones and markers?” Would it hurt our troop moral to hear from our Commander-in-Chief that Iraq should serve as a warning to any rogue nation looking to do harm to US citizens? One would think they would welcome the compliment.

Having said all of this, we all know that what President Obama says & promises is one thing when he does it publicly, as opposed to when he does in private. We all remember how he characterized small town Pennsylvanians voters at one of his San Francisco fundraisers during his campaign. In the warmth & comfort of fellow elitists whose votes he was trying to secure, he described the growing resentment & frustrations towards elitists by small town Pennsylvanians this way:

“It’s not surprising when they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Yet, while he was in campaign mode back in Pennsylvania, he praised them and explained to them how he was an avid supporter of the Second Amendment.
On another occasion during his campaign, Obama made promises about renegotiating NAFTA and actually agreed with Hillary Clinton on this issue. But as it turned out, behind closed doors in a secret meeting with the Canadian Prime Minister, he sang a different tune. The Canadians claimed that Obama had reassured them that all the talk about NAFTA during the campaign was just rhetoric to appease the public. I can go on and on but almost a year into the Obama Presidency, we all know that Obama has not been straight with the American Public.


And so we now learn from General David Petraeus that Obama finally came clean and admitted to him that the surge in Iraq worked and that he wanted to model the surge into Afghanistan in the same fashion. On a Fox News Sunday interview, Petraeus opened up about how Obama came to finally realize what most of us had figured out long a go – the surge was a success.

The head of the Central Command, Petraeus spoke about his meetings with Barack Obama and how the game-plan that was used so effectively in Iraq could be implemented in Afghanistan. According to Petraeus, Obama was like a kid in a candy store. He wanted to know how troops in Iraq worked with Iraqi forces to secure the population and gain the confidence of the many different factions in Iraq. They talked about the differences between the two regions and some of elements that of each that were similar.

As we now also know, the delay in coming to a decision as to the troop level, was not about coming up with an exit strategy. Obama knew all along that escalating the war in Afghanistan would mean that our troops would be there for the next 15-20 years. This has just come to light as Afghan President Hamid Karzai told visiting Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates on Tuesday.
For 15 to 20 years, Afghanistan will not be able to sustain a force of that nature and capability with its own resources," Karzai told a news conference.

"We hope that the international community and the United States, as our first ally, will help Afghanistan reach the ability to sustain a force."

To tell the American people that troop withdrawal will begin as early as July 2011 is disingenuous. Once again, in order to placate his base and sell this to the American public,

Obama resorts to what he does best, he goes behind closed doors and says one thing, and then gets in front of the American people and announces something totally opposite.
But at last, he finally admits that the surge in Iraq worked and said it was a success. If only now he would stand in front of Americans and finally announce it to everyone.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Being Led Like Blind Sheep

For a country that has seen it’s population surpass the 300 million mark and where diversity couldn’t be more evident, it is becoming more evident that minorities & to a large extent our youth or those under the age of 20 – which comprise about 27% of the population, are currently being led like blind sheep by this administration, and for far too long by Democrats in general.
Of the over 100 million people that are self proclaimed minorities in this country, about 97% of them are either Black, Latino or Asian. With a population of about 44 million, Latinos have just surpassed blacks in this country as the largest group of minorities. These numbers are significant.

You would think that with these types of numbers, these groups would have a bigger say in the direction and policy making of this country. But the fact of the matter is that Blacks, Latinos and other minorities have shown no interest in standing up to this administration on critical issues such as the jobless rate, government spending, education or foreign policy.
This inaction, in my opinion is hurting all Americans.

It is the reason that any dissent over big government, healthcare, jobs, the war and taxes is portrayed as “Right-Wing” and racist by many on the left. The fact of the matter is that these are issues that affect everyone. Blacks, Latinos, Asians, the young & poor, women & men.
For some unexplained reason, these groups do not see it as Patriotic to hold their elected leaders accountable even when they are being hit the hardest by these unemployment numbers. For the time being they are content with the “Tea Partiers” and Town Hall Protestors doing their dirty work. A recent jobs report shows that the national unemployment rate for Blacks is at 15.7% & 13.% for Latinos – the highest in 26 years In some sectors and communities, the black male unemployment rate has reached as high as 50%. In contrast, the rate is at 9.5% nationally for whites.
Minorities sit on the Sidelines

Interestingly, it hasn’t been Blacks, Latinos or minorities in general that have complained or raised red flags about this problem. For the most part, they have remained quietly on the sidelines as promises of extended unemployment benefits and other state & government programs to help them with their mortgages or pay the rent keeps them at bay.

Ironically it has been the often criticized cable news programs and conservative talk radio that has continued to monitor and question the validity of how many jobs have or have not been saved or created by this administration. These groups have been toothless and almost ashamed to dare utter a word of criticism at this administration that has made a bad job situation worse. I think the time has come for these groups to start carrying their own weight and sticking their necks out.
Key Sectors of Job Market no longer there

The manufacturing & construction jobs that were once abundant and employed millions of low skill laborers are no longer there. In times of economic downturn and periods of recession, these jobs are usually the first to go. And with a high percentage of minorities employed in these jobs, you will undoubtedly see these high double digit unemployment rates. And while there has been a lot of patience amongst these groups who helped Obama gain power, it makes you wonder why so much trust has been put in this administration that has had close to a year to make some headway in the unemployment rate.

We have all heard the promises that were made claiming that the unemployment rate would never reach eight percent if their $787 billion dollar Stimulus package was passed. Americans once again, dipped into their pockets for the sake of staving off another catastrophe, or so the administration claimed. What was then trumpeted as a noble cause, has now been revealed to be anything but a slush fund to payback political favors and buy influence.
False Data on Jobs Created

For months now we have listened to Joe Biden and this WH proclaim time & time again about how many jobs they have saved or created. They have gone as far as taking credit for jobs created in districts that don’t even exist. This is a lot of egg in the face for this administration and a farce that once again, raises the question – Why would anyone entrust the government to run anything? If they can’t figure out how to track $ 787 billion dollars of your tax dollars, how are they supposed to efficiently run a 2 trillion dollar Healthcare plan? Why would we allow them this responsibility?

There has never been a metric to measure “Jobs Created”. This administration has resorted to these tactics knowing that it is almost impossible for anyone to confirm or verify these claims. They are playing on peoples inability to question this administration. They have shown in the past that they will attack and try to discredit anyone who questions their agenda or motives. What makes it doubly difficult is the fact that they have the media in their back pockets to diffuse most of the stories that question the accuracy of these reports.
Back in June of this year, Obama addressed the issue of the high unemployment rate amongst minorities, by stating:

"The best thing that I can do for the African-American community or the Latino community or the Asian community, whatever community, is to get the economy as a whole moving. If I don't do that then I'm not going to be able to help anybody. So that's priority number one."

Where are the jobs?

Five months have passed since that proclamation and the jobless rate still remains at all time highs reaching the 10% mark. We have seen nothing but a host of Job conferences and ideas thrown around by the CEO’s of some of our biggest companies, but no evidence of job creation. The Green Jobs Czar that was supposed to have led the new wave for a new Green jobs economy, got the boot himself before creating 1 job.

If any sector of the economy has regained some stability it has been the financial sector & Wall Street. Propped up by TARP funds under the direction of Tim Geithner, Larry Summers many of these large Wall Street firms are back making billions and giving themselves huge bonuses while main street continues to suffer. Perhaps the time for Geithner & Summers has come to step aside. It is becoming clearer by the day that these two Northeast types have no idea about job growth across other stretches of this country like the Mid West and the South.

Promises, Promises

All through this period of economic turmoil, minorities have shown no backbone to stand up and demand what was promised to them. During the campaign it was all about kitchen table issues. Jobs,housing, mortgages, college tuition and putting food on the table. The issue of Healthcare was on the fringe but not on the forefront. Somehow, those kitchen table issues have suddenly taken a back seat to the agendas of those on the Far Left of the party. Burning the midnight oil to address these problems head on have been replaced with weekends of golfing, Wednesday nights of partying, and jet setting across the world in search of the best dining places.

It is time for minorities and the youth in this country to stand up to this administration and hold them accountable. It is time to forego the selfishness of many in these groups and fight for something other than, amnesty, abortions, legalization of marijuana, & entitlement programs. It is time for the leadership in these groups to stand up and do their part in holding this administration accountable for their failure to create more jobs at a quicker pace. It is time for Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Sheila Lee Jackson, Jim Clyburn, the NAACP, the Black Caucus, La Raza, and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis to put their money where their mouths are. It is easy to cry fowl and complain when the victim is clearly a minority and the accused is white.

Why not complain now? Aren’t these minority groups the ones that are being victimized here? Where are the million man marches to Washington D.C. to protest against Obama’s lack of emphasis on job creation? Where are the jobs? Where is the media outcry about the billions of tax payer dollars that were given away to bailout big Wall Street firms so that they could free up the credit market?

Are minorities simply going to be led like blind sheep by a chosen few? What about Hilda Solis? Why isn’t anyone asking about her job performance? She is the Labor Secretary and one of the biggest advocates for worker rights and organized labor. Yet the unemployment numbers amongst Latinos have soared under her watch. She has not spoken on the issue nor has been called out by anyone.

As of this righting, it appears that the NAACP & other organizations are beginning to see the light. This latest quote may be a wake-up call for our President to start doing his job:

“It’s time for us to really stoke this issue up,” said Hilary O. Shelton, the N.A.A.C.P.’s senior vice president for advocacy and policy. “We’re not so much trying to convince him to do something he doesn’t want to do, but urging him to move forward on an issue we have agreement on.”

Sources & references:



Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sarah Palin, Right on Energy Policy

For as much time as the critics spend scrutinizing and bashing Sarah Palin on everything from being too Conservative, Pro-Life, Pro Gun Rights, a hockey mom, too attractive to be smart, the worn out “I can see Russia from my front Porch” comment, they can never fault her for being right on Energy Policy.

In a recent article she wrote for National Review Online, Sarah Palin gives us some insight into where this country needs to take its Energy Policy. Her experience, insights and common sense approach in handling our Energy needs, runs circles around the approach currently being taken by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, Energy Secretary Steven Chu and Obama Energy & Climate Change Czar, Carol Browner.


There is no denying the fact that we are still very dependent on foreign oil and are not going to reduce this dependency anytime soon until one of two things happen. We decide to move away from oil and fossil fuels completely and immerse ourselves into alternative sources of energy such as Electricity, Natural gas, Biofuels and other renewable sources as dictated by central planners who desire a one size fits all approach & solution, or we can tap into our own abundant resources right here at home.

The answer is obvious except to environmentalists who still insist on protecting our shores and remote stretches of desolate land in Alaska (ANWR) from being drilled for billions of barrels of oil & trillions of cubic ft. of Natural Gas. Gas & oil that is still going to be needed even if every single car on the road today were converted to run on something other than gas.


Of the 19.5 million barrels per day (bpd) that we consume daily, we produce only about 4.95 bpd or 25% of it. 66% is used for motor & diesel fuels which means that we still require about 6.5 bpd to use on non automotive necessities such as jet fuel, plastics, petrochemicals, fertilizers, pesticides and pharmaceuticals. Oil that we will still depend on from foreign countries - some being of our enemies.

According to Sarah Palin, “We’ll continue that dependence until we develop our own oil resources to their fullest extent”.

So with this in mind, how is Obama’s hand picked triumvirate of Energy Gurus tackling this problem? What have their collective minds laid out as sound & sensible Energy Policy during the past 10 months? Let’s examine their records a little closer.

On transitioning to cleaner fuels and electric vehicles, here is the game plan:

Ken Salazar, Obama’s Interior Secretary would like to see gas prices skyrocket to the $8-$10 per gallon level and would oppose lifting the offshore drilling moratorium even if gas prices were to reach these prices. In other words, instead of implementing a sure fire approach like Sarah Palin’s idea of drilling now to build up our reserves and create millions of jobs in the process, our Interior Secretary would prefer to see you pay $10 for a gallon of gasoline as a way to force you to perhaps purchase one of those Greener more fuel efficient Lawn Mowers with two seats called cars made by GM.

The fact that we are no where near in the development of Electric cars and alternative sources of energy, makes you wonder about the mindset behind such a reckless approach.
Salazar is also a strong opponent of developing oil shale on public lands where it is most abundant and would reap the most benefits in terms of building up our reserves and creating jobs. Salazar has voted yes on removing oil & gas exploration subsidies. He has also voted to remove the establishment of an oil and gas leasing program in the Alaskan Coastal Plain. So, as you see, Mr. Salazar’s has taken many measures along the way with the intention on making good on his wish of creating a $10 gallon of gasoline.

Steven Chu - your Energy Secretary, is also on record as saying that “We have to find a way to boost the price levels of gasoline to European levels”. Steven Chu who scolded you and all Americans on embracing his Green Jobs & Global Warming Agenda during a a smart grid conference in Washington, said the following:

“The American public…just like your teenage kids, aren’t acting in a way that they should act. The American public has to really understand in their core how important this issue is.”

In other words, Steven Chu doesn’t think you are mature enough to see how adding one job at the expense of three results in a net positive. He doesn’t think you have the know to figure out that Cap & Trade is simply a wealth redistribution scheme that takes money away from the middle & poor class and gives it to the elites. A scheme that will add thousands of dollars to your electricity rates and destroy 3 jobs for each one it creates.

Another part of his brilliance on transitioning to a green world, is by painting your roofs white. Paint .Paint is the Answer.

"If you look at all the buildings and if you make the roofs white and if you make the pavement more of a concrete type of colour rather than a black type of colour and if you do that uniformally, that would be the equivalent of... reducing the carbon emissions due to all the cars in the world by 11 years – just taking them off the road for 11 years," he said.

According to the administration, this is part of the best & the brightest that has been chosen to lead our country towards Energy Independence. You can’t make this stuff up.
Finally, our climate czarina, Carol Browner. The neon green radical who headed the Environmental Protection Agency from 1993-2000, was ex-commissioner of Socialist International, a worldwide organization of Democratic Socialists and a rethread from the Clinton administration, has been touted by some as the most powerful official in the Obama administration to determine the fate of America. Scary.

With that said, one of the most underhanded things she tried to do was undermine & kill an effort between the coal industry & a number of green groups to jointly support government aid in developing technology that would have significantly reduced the environmental toll of coal use. A move made for strictly ideological reasons without regard or concern for the cost or availability of electricity for our citizens.

Browner's White House position is newly created. It did not require Senate confirmation. Congress has little or no power over her decisions. Congress cannot limit outside influences on Browner, since Presidential executive privilege covers her actions. Much in the same fashion that it did for Van Jones, our former Green Jobs Czar.

Sarah Palin if given the opportunity, could have done the job that is now taking three people to try and do. She smartly points out that while a shift towards electric powered vehicles by the government may work in areas like Los Angeles, it may not be such a good idea in Alaska where you may drive long stretches without coming across people let alone many electrical sockets.
She points out that that you still need a clean energy source to produce the electricity that powers these cars.

That is why in Alaska, they are developing the largest private-sector energy project in history — a 3,000-mile, $40 billion pipeline to transport hundreds of trillions of cubic feet of natural gas to markets across the United States. Natural gas is abundant throughout the US and it is very easy to collect and process.

She also talks about the need to build more refineries and protect ourselves from the potential of natural catastrophies like hurricane Katrina which caused the price of oil & gas to skyrocket as a result of knocking a few refineries.Continued environmental regulations has decreased the number of refineries in the US from a high of 300 in the 1970’s to a current low of 150.

She points out how become energy independent using our own resources will create millions of permanent jobs that can never be shipped overseas. We transfer billions of dollars a year to foreign countries that could be invested in our struggling economy. As long as we are headed down the path laid out by our current Energy triumvirate, we will continue to be weakened and held hostage by repressive regimes that know we need their oil.

So we can listen to smart and solution based ideas which will ultimately lead us to energy independence and freedom, or we can join lock and step with the extreme views and desires we are being force fed. The choice is simple.As Sarah Palin likes to say, “Drill, Baby Drill”.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Species-First, People-Last Statute Destroying Millions of Acres of California Farming Land

Once again, the ESA (Endangered Species Act) has decided to put the interests of the people below that of a threatened species – this time the Delta Smelt. The Delta Smelt a tiny fish no longer than 3”, was placed on the ESA’s list of Endangered Species back in 1973 and has remained on the list ever since. Despite many years of studies by numerous Federal & State Wildlife agencies, to determine the causes and reverse its decline, they have failed to make any progress. Should anyone be surprised?

In a 20 year period from 1973 to 1993 the population of the Smelt dropped tenfold and has remained at similar levels ever since. For 20 Years the ESA has wasted millions of taxpayer dollars studying the life expectancy of a three inch fish which by all accounts will become extinct from several causes no matter how much effort or funds are expended to preserve it.
In a 2005 biological opinion, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service found several contributing factors in the Delta smelt's long decline, including the projects' pumps near Tracy that transport Delta water south. But the opinion also found that the pumps, while taking some smelt, were not killing so many as to cause the smelt's extinction.

Despite these findings & constant pressure from environmentalists or “Hardcore Greens”, a challenge was brought to Federal Court and the findings of the study were basically thrown out. The new ruling charged that the pumps were indeed the cause of the Smelt’s decline.

Impact of Court’s Ruling

Bowing to the ESA's mandate to preserve listed species at "whatever the costs,” a ruling at the federal district level, has ordered the state and federal pumps shut off whenever young smelt are in the vicinity. In 2008, water exports to the Delta were reduced by 30% causing an estimated hit of $300 million to the state's economy. The cut in water supply, the biggest in California has been a major contributor to the 40% unemployment in some of the Central Valley towns where farming is the only means to earn a living.

Much of the 30% of the water that is being shut-off to the valley, continues to flow to the ocean to comply with the ESA Delta Smelt ruling. Water that in many cases could be used to irrigate thousands of acres of farmland or ease the constraints of water rationing in other nearby towns.

Opponents of these mandates which are aimed at withholding water to more than 23 million people for drinking, household and business purposes, for irrigating much of California's annual $32 billion agricultural industry and the estimated loss of 80,000 Central Valley agriculture-related livelihoods - believe will lead to very harsh health, economic and social consequences.

It is a sad commentary on the priorities of this administration that they would allow such a disaster to occur right here at home. It is a joke that politics rules the day when it comes to deciding between a species and a people. People that are hurting economically and seeing their livelihoods ruined by heartless bureaucrats who are out of touch with the problems of working class Americans.

What is being done?

Witnessing firsthand the devastation to the state’s farm economy, 50 mayors from the San Joaquin Valley signed a letter asking President Obama to come down and see for himself the impact of these antiquated water rules firsthand..

The Obama administration should bear a lot of the responsibility for this species-first, people-second ideology. As a result of their reversal of a George W. Bush ruling that would allowed agencies to move ahead with projects and programs without seeking an independent review by either the Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a lot of the decision making and the power has been put back in the hands of the ESA and made environmentalists happy.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for reasons unknown, failed to request intervention from the Department of Interior. Under a provision added to the Endangered Species Act in 1978 after the snail darter fiasco, a panel of seven cabinet officials known as a "God Squad" is able to intercede in economic emergencies, such as the one now parching California farmers. Despite a petition with more than 12,000 signers, Mr. Schwarzenegger has refused that remedy.
Other politicians including Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein, has signaled an interest in pressing the issue with Interior Secretary Ken Salazar.

As usual, the story has gone unreported by the State Run media and if not for the unfairly maligned Fox News, the story would not have gotten the attention it is starting to receive.
President George Bush took a beating for not reacting as quickly as possible to the catastrophe caused by Hurricane Katrina and the chaos that ensued.

Here we have a situation where again people are in dire straits and in peril of losing everything they have. Shouldn’t it be the President’s responsibility to step in turn the water on so that people can back to the business of working and farming their land? After all, hasn’t he meddled in the business of the Mass. Police dept., the Governors race in New York the resignation of 2 of his Inspector Generals? It would be refreshing if he meddled on behalf of the people for once instead of taking his marching orders form the Eco-Friendly Wing of the Party.


Sacramento Bee - http://www.sacbee.com/740/v-print/story/1942919.html
WSJ : http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204731804574384731898375624.html

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ted Kennedy-The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

The Good

For a man that was born into wealth, fame & status, Ted Kennedy worked as indefatigably in the Senate to earn his stripes, as he did for the many causes of the poor & downtrodden in this country. He made his mark not by seeking protections for the well to do of his own economic and social class, but rather by fighting for Universal Healthcare for all Americans whatever their economic status. He worked hard to extend broader civil rights protections to racial, ethnic and gender minorities. His M.O. was to work tirelessly not for those born into privilege, as he was, but for anyone who aspired toward decent lives and achieving the American dream. Despite all of his well documented personal troubles, most stemming from his self indulgence into the trappings that are part of an iconic and powerful political family, Ted Kennedy steadied his political ship and when it was all said and done upon his death, he had become the third longest serving Senator in US history. He was as partisan on the issues he believed in as he was competitive when it came to Sail boating.


While it has not been talked about a lot or highlighted enough, perhaps the single most controversial contribution that Sen. Ted Kennedy may have made,was the 1965 Immigration Act that has literally changed the face of America. Picking up on the seminal work of his older brother John F. Kennedy, A Nation of Immigrants, Ted Kennedy embraced the idea and forged legislation to eliminate quotas for the entire Eastern Hemisphere which included countries such as India, China & Asia.The heart of the legislation was the elimination of the National Origin System under which up until 1965, we had huge quotas for northern Europe and virtually no quotas at all for the rest of the Eastern Hemisphere except for the minimum quota provided by law of 100.

Thus, up until the 1965 Act, there was an annual quota in excess of 65,000 per year for citizens of Great Britain and 100 per year for India and 100 per year for China and so forth. The 1965 Act completely eliminated the National Origins Test and provided immigration based upon the principles of family reunification and the needs of the U.S. economy where U.S. employers could prove the unavailability of qualified U.S. workers. Ironically, the 1965 Act also imposed for the first time quotas that went into effect for the Western Hemisphere, which ultimately resulted in the situation we find ourselves in today of having large numbers of undocumented workers.

Destructive Part of His Legacy?

In my opinion this has been Ted's worst and most destructive part of his legacy. Although, the act started out with good intentions, it has been left unchecked by too many Progressive Libs and moderate Conservatives in the process adding the bulk of our additional 100 million people into America within 40 years Illegal immigration has increased from 170,000 annually to over 1.1 million today. His actions and this act, promulgated a complete ethnic change of our once stable society into a fractured civilization. In essence, the 1965 Immigration Act has provided for the entrance of immigrants into our country at a pace that will most likely do away with our culture as we know it within the next 30 years The act has watered down citizenship by not enforcing our laws or maintaining educational standards. We have deliberately changed our ethnic makeup to placate and reward those that come into our country illegally and break our laws. And as much as those on the Left exalt the benefits of diversity, there have been very few examples of ‘diversity’ creating a stable society.

For forty four years, Ted Kennedy watched as millions of immigrants poured into this country. He helped facilitate and languished as millions of illegal aliens marched across our borders and wreaked havoc on our schools, communities, jobs, hospitals, language and prisons, while placing an unnecessary on many of our states budgets. He remained silent as over 20,000 members of MS-13 gangs distributed over $130 billion in drugs yearly. Taxpayers help pay for 400,000 babies born to illegal alien mothers annually. Now we know why Ted always talked about Universal Healthcare for everyone. We provide food stamps for about 25 million Americans as a result of illegal immigrants accepting lower wages and taking jobs away from our working poor..

Teddy Roosevelt once said,

“The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, or preventing
all possibility of its continuing as a nation at all, would be to permit it to
become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.”

In 1986 after 21 years of steady and increasing numbers of illegal immigrants coming into this country, he proposed, wrote and encouraged Ronald Reagan to sign the 1986 Immigration Amnesty that allowed what he said were only 1.3 million illegal immigrants. The true number of immigrants that gained instant citizenship became 4.3 million. Later, Reagan said signing that amnesty was the worse mistake of his presidency. Last June, 2007, as another 20 million illegal aliens broke over U.S. borders since 1986, Kennedy tried to facilitate more amnesty by forcing S.B. 1639 into law. He voted to double legal immigration to 2.2 million annually. For this, Ted Kennedy should hold a lot of responsibility for the $346 billion in annual taxpayer dollars to defray the cost of supporting illegal immigrants & their families.


With all of the downside of the suffocating numbers of illegal immigrants coming into this country today, thanks in large part to Ted Kennedy, the one thing that I find really troubling and may be his biggest black mark, is how Ted Kennedy tried to undermine two of our Presidents, Jimmy Carter & Ronald Reagan for personal political gain It bothers me to no end when I have to listen to people like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the mainstream media carry on and complain about how the American people are idiots & uninformed and are trying to undermine & sabotage the President’s Healthcare Reform Bill. It is so disingenuous. Yet, no one has the guile to report on the complete Ted Kennedy story. This my friends, is also part of his legacy. Report it!!
Kennedy very Impressed with Andropov

In this May 14, 1983, letter written by underling Viktor Chebrikov to Andropov, he relayed Kennedy’s offer to meet, Chebrikov explaining that Kennedy blamed poor American-Soviet relations not on the Communist country, but on President Reagan. According to Chebrikov’s letter, Kennedy said he wanted to stop Reagan’s re-election effort in 1984. These revelations reported in 1992 suggest insight into a man so obsessed with the acquisition of personal political power that he would reach out to the communist Soviet Union for help in undermining not one but two American presidents, one from his own political party. So as always, there are 2 sides to every person & story. I hope that in looking at Ted Kennedy’s long life of achievement, you do not turn the page on this chapter.