Once again, the ESA (Endangered Species Act) has decided to put the interests of the people below that of a threatened species – this time the Delta Smelt. The Delta Smelt a tiny fish no longer than 3”, was placed on the ESA’s list of Endangered Species back in 1973 and has remained on the list ever since. Despite many years of studies by numerous Federal & State Wildlife agencies, to determine the causes and reverse its decline, they have failed to make any progress. Should anyone be surprised?
In a 20 year period from 1973 to 1993 the population of the Smelt dropped tenfold and has remained at similar levels ever since. For 20 Years the ESA has wasted millions of taxpayer dollars studying the life expectancy of a three inch fish which by all accounts will become extinct from several causes no matter how much effort or funds are expended to preserve it.
In a 2005 biological opinion, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service found several contributing factors in the Delta smelt's long decline, including the projects' pumps near Tracy that transport Delta water south. But the opinion also found that the pumps, while taking some smelt, were not killing so many as to cause the smelt's extinction.
In a 2005 biological opinion, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service found several contributing factors in the Delta smelt's long decline, including the projects' pumps near Tracy that transport Delta water south. But the opinion also found that the pumps, while taking some smelt, were not killing so many as to cause the smelt's extinction.
Despite these findings & constant pressure from environmentalists or “Hardcore Greens”, a challenge was brought to Federal Court and the findings of the study were basically thrown out. The new ruling charged that the pumps were indeed the cause of the Smelt’s decline.
Impact of Court’s Ruling
Bowing to the ESA's mandate to preserve listed species at "whatever the costs,” a ruling at the federal district level, has ordered the state and federal pumps shut off whenever young smelt are in the vicinity. In 2008, water exports to the Delta were reduced by 30% causing an estimated hit of $300 million to the state's economy. The cut in water supply, the biggest in California has been a major contributor to the 40% unemployment in some of the Central Valley towns where farming is the only means to earn a living.
Much of the 30% of the water that is being shut-off to the valley, continues to flow to the ocean to comply with the ESA Delta Smelt ruling. Water that in many cases could be used to irrigate thousands of acres of farmland or ease the constraints of water rationing in other nearby towns.
Opponents of these mandates which are aimed at withholding water to more than 23 million people for drinking, household and business purposes, for irrigating much of California's annual $32 billion agricultural industry and the estimated loss of 80,000 Central Valley agriculture-related livelihoods - believe will lead to very harsh health, economic and social consequences.
It is a sad commentary on the priorities of this administration that they would allow such a disaster to occur right here at home. It is a joke that politics rules the day when it comes to deciding between a species and a people. People that are hurting economically and seeing their livelihoods ruined by heartless bureaucrats who are out of touch with the problems of working class Americans.
What is being done?
Witnessing firsthand the devastation to the state’s farm economy, 50 mayors from the San Joaquin Valley signed a letter asking President Obama to come down and see for himself the impact of these antiquated water rules firsthand..
The Obama administration should bear a lot of the responsibility for this species-first, people-second ideology. As a result of their reversal of a George W. Bush ruling that would allowed agencies to move ahead with projects and programs without seeking an independent review by either the Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a lot of the decision making and the power has been put back in the hands of the ESA and made environmentalists happy.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for reasons unknown, failed to request intervention from the Department of Interior. Under a provision added to the Endangered Species Act in 1978 after the snail darter fiasco, a panel of seven cabinet officials known as a "God Squad" is able to intercede in economic emergencies, such as the one now parching California farmers. Despite a petition with more than 12,000 signers, Mr. Schwarzenegger has refused that remedy.
Other politicians including Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein, has signaled an interest in pressing the issue with Interior Secretary Ken Salazar.
Other politicians including Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein, has signaled an interest in pressing the issue with Interior Secretary Ken Salazar.
As usual, the story has gone unreported by the State Run media and if not for the unfairly maligned Fox News, the story would not have gotten the attention it is starting to receive.
President George Bush took a beating for not reacting as quickly as possible to the catastrophe caused by Hurricane Katrina and the chaos that ensued.
President George Bush took a beating for not reacting as quickly as possible to the catastrophe caused by Hurricane Katrina and the chaos that ensued.
Here we have a situation where again people are in dire straits and in peril of losing everything they have. Shouldn’t it be the President’s responsibility to step in turn the water on so that people can back to the business of working and farming their land? After all, hasn’t he meddled in the business of the Mass. Police dept., the Governors race in New York the resignation of 2 of his Inspector Generals? It would be refreshing if he meddled on behalf of the people for once instead of taking his marching orders form the Eco-Friendly Wing of the Party.
Sacramento Bee - http://www.sacbee.com/740/v-print/story/1942919.html
WSJ : http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204731804574384731898375624.html
WSJ : http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204731804574384731898375624.html
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