Let’s face it, you are going to find many people amongst those that voted for Obama that are going to believe everything reported by the Lame street media. These outlets, in particular NBC, MSNBC, CBS ABC, Newsweek, Time and a host of others, are taking advantage of this and have in a lot of instances been derelict in reporting and educating the American people. After all, shouldn’t it be their job to report the news? Shouldn’t it be their job to keep the electorate and all citizens well informed about the goings on with our government leaders and to ask probing questions when necessary?
I cannot recall another time in our history when the media has been in the tank for an administration and have been so blatant about it. They have gone out of their way to give more passes to this Presidency than Peyton Manning throwing 15 yard outs to Plaxico Burris. It is akin to a 16 year old high school girl with an infatuation with the nerdiest guy in the school. No matter how many of her friends point out all the flaws the poor guy has, she will make the case that he is Mr. Right
The shame of it all is that most Americans who tune in are being misled and misguided by these media imposters. Everyone from Keith “My greatest claim to fame was that my mother was hit in the head by a throw from Derek Jeter” Olberman to Rachel “The Tea bagger” Maddow and Chris “I hate Woman” Matthews is in the tank and obviously covering and putting a positive spin on every goof & gaffe that comes out of the mouth of Nancy Pelosi, Joe ‘Plugs” Biden or anyone else in Obama land.
Take the host of MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olberman, who stood silently as his guest Jeanine Garafolo called everyone who attended Tea Parties on April 15th a racist. Not a word from little Keith about her choice of words or facts to support her claim.
These actions and attitudes expressed by the Left Leaning Lame Media are just part of a Major cover-up and propagandist campaign to enable and put a positive spin on Obama Care & Cap & Trade. Two of the costliest proposals to an already massive budget that has many economists and members of Congress scratching their heads to try and understand how can it be possible to ask Americans once again to fund something that may not benefit them. While these massive spending proposals will ensure that many Americans remain below the poverty line, it will also guarantee that at least one giant corporation cashes in with Billions of dollars worth of government contracts.
Well, you may ask yourself, why would MSNBC or NBC care about who winds up with your tax dollars? The reason is simple. MSNBC & NBC are owned by General Electric. General Electric is salivating and foaming at the mouth at the potential windfall that will be created if Obama Care & Global Warming legislation passes. General Electric is looking to get in on the Solar and Wind power markets if and when Cap & Trade is passed. They will also stand to benefit from the automation of medical records once Obama care is passed. They have invested heavily in these technologies and are ready to cash in. So it is no surprise that when hosts on any one of CNBC ‘s Financial shows criticize Obama’s agenda, they are quickly excoriated or scolded by top brass at NBC. Jeffrey Imelt being the Tony Soprano of GE delivering the fish heads. It is unscrupulous, corrupt and in my opinion as big a cover-up as Watergate.
Therefore, what are we as honest and hard working Americans supposed to do while the biggest transfer of wealth and heist of American tax dollars is taking place right before our eyes?
If you care about this country and the future it holds for your kids and grandkids & if you prefer to keep more of your hard earned money instead of having it go towards lining the pockets of people like Al Gore and all his Global Warming cronies – then get on the phone and contact your state representatives and Senators and let them know that you want clear answers about Health care reform & Cap & Trade before it is passed.
You should not place all your trust on the Lame street media when looking to cull probing information on these initiatives. It is up to every one of us to hold the media and our government responsible for providing accurate and unbiased information.
I cannot recall another time in our history when the media has been in the tank for an administration and have been so blatant about it. They have gone out of their way to give more passes to this Presidency than Peyton Manning throwing 15 yard outs to Plaxico Burris. It is akin to a 16 year old high school girl with an infatuation with the nerdiest guy in the school. No matter how many of her friends point out all the flaws the poor guy has, she will make the case that he is Mr. Right
The shame of it all is that most Americans who tune in are being misled and misguided by these media imposters. Everyone from Keith “My greatest claim to fame was that my mother was hit in the head by a throw from Derek Jeter” Olberman to Rachel “The Tea bagger” Maddow and Chris “I hate Woman” Matthews is in the tank and obviously covering and putting a positive spin on every goof & gaffe that comes out of the mouth of Nancy Pelosi, Joe ‘Plugs” Biden or anyone else in Obama land.
Take the host of MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olberman, who stood silently as his guest Jeanine Garafolo called everyone who attended Tea Parties on April 15th a racist. Not a word from little Keith about her choice of words or facts to support her claim.
These actions and attitudes expressed by the Left Leaning Lame Media are just part of a Major cover-up and propagandist campaign to enable and put a positive spin on Obama Care & Cap & Trade. Two of the costliest proposals to an already massive budget that has many economists and members of Congress scratching their heads to try and understand how can it be possible to ask Americans once again to fund something that may not benefit them. While these massive spending proposals will ensure that many Americans remain below the poverty line, it will also guarantee that at least one giant corporation cashes in with Billions of dollars worth of government contracts.
Well, you may ask yourself, why would MSNBC or NBC care about who winds up with your tax dollars? The reason is simple. MSNBC & NBC are owned by General Electric. General Electric is salivating and foaming at the mouth at the potential windfall that will be created if Obama Care & Global Warming legislation passes. General Electric is looking to get in on the Solar and Wind power markets if and when Cap & Trade is passed. They will also stand to benefit from the automation of medical records once Obama care is passed. They have invested heavily in these technologies and are ready to cash in. So it is no surprise that when hosts on any one of CNBC ‘s Financial shows criticize Obama’s agenda, they are quickly excoriated or scolded by top brass at NBC. Jeffrey Imelt being the Tony Soprano of GE delivering the fish heads. It is unscrupulous, corrupt and in my opinion as big a cover-up as Watergate.
Therefore, what are we as honest and hard working Americans supposed to do while the biggest transfer of wealth and heist of American tax dollars is taking place right before our eyes?
If you care about this country and the future it holds for your kids and grandkids & if you prefer to keep more of your hard earned money instead of having it go towards lining the pockets of people like Al Gore and all his Global Warming cronies – then get on the phone and contact your state representatives and Senators and let them know that you want clear answers about Health care reform & Cap & Trade before it is passed.
You should not place all your trust on the Lame street media when looking to cull probing information on these initiatives. It is up to every one of us to hold the media and our government responsible for providing accurate and unbiased information.
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