"The President, Vice President and all civil
officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."
While it may be too soon into this administration to throw around the 'I" word, there are certainly a host of candidates that seem to be testing the hands of fate often & early.
Impeachment in it of itself cannot remove a Government Official from office. Although if you listen to Dennis Kucinich, he would have you believe otherwise. Impeachment is merely one of two steps that will lead to a Legislative vote which will determine conviction or failure to convict. A resolution to authorize an investigation regarding impeachable conduct is referred to the House Committee on Rules, and then referred to the Judiciary Committee. The House Committee on the Judiciary, by majority vote & determine whether grounds or impeachment exist. Clarifying who is subject to Impeachment, may be an issue that could very well come into play sooner than later. While Section 4 of Article II clearly states that the President, Vice President & all Civil Officers are subject to impeachment, some think that Congressional Members are not "Officers" of the United States. So if you were hoping for a Pelosi Impeachment, don't hold your breath.This may be the only saving grace for the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. Talks about abuse of power, in my opinion she is guilty as sin. Yet the Daniel Hannan's of the world are no where to be seen or heard enough in these Chambers to call for her impeachment.
If not Pelosi, then why not Tim Geithner? Throughout history, many Federal Judges have been removed & impeached for Tax Evasion. I take it then that Tax Evasion is at a minimum a misdemeanor.What about the way he has handled the AIG mess? So, why not fire Tim? Or better yet, why not impeachment under the grounds of "maladministration" or "incompetence"? This is what George Mason had favoured all along hundreds of years ago during the infancy of this great country. That is until James Madison stated his case. Impeachment only for criminal behavior. Tim, you can now thank two presidents for saving your job. Contrary to the argument that many are using, "why fire Tim Geithner when there is no one better to replace him", I say that this is laughable. When the national unemployment rate is at 8%, believe me, there are plenty of people looking for work.
Finally, is President Barrack Obama impeachable? Is he impeachable? Realistically, probably not. No Democratically lead Senate & Congress would even entertain the thought, but is there cause to think about it. I think so.Under the broad terms and interpretation of High Crimes & misdemeanors, the description below may give you cause for further scrutiny..
"High" in the legal parlance of the 18th century meant "against the State". A high crime is one which seeks the overthrow of the country, which gives aid or comfort to its enemies, or which injures the country to the profit of an individual or group. In democracies and similar societies it also includes crimes which attempt to alter the outcome of elections."
On the other hand, you & I are being asked to sit idly by and reign in our spending as we watch the government spend Trillions of our hard earned tax dollars on Entitlement programs & interest on the debt that we will never pay back to China. If this is what you expect from your government, then I suppose that High Crimes & Misdemeanors should not be a concern to you.