It seems that by the way the Drive by Media has been reporting AIG’s $165 million dollars in bonuses to current and ex-employees, you would think that the Democrats who are suddenly up in arms & doling out all the criticism and reprimands, have never had their hands out to AIG for political contributions. No, no way. Chris Dodd taking contributions from AIG, never. Max “Mucus” Baucus accepting political cash from AIG, only in your dreams. Barrack Obama on AIG’s contribution list… Andrew Cuomo, Barney Frank, Chuck “The Schmuck’ Schumer,Maxine “Troubled” Waters, Barbara Boxer, Harry “The Body Odor” Reid, Nancy “Botox’ Pelosi. Impossible. That is what the Mainstream media will have you believe. Who cares about 9 trillion dollar budgets filled with entitlements up the gazoot, when we can whip on AIG employees who earned bonuses that were exempt from penalties by Mr. Potato head Chris Dodd.
Has ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC or any of the other lame Driveby’s questioned Chris Dodd’s involvement in any of this mess? Does anyone know that Barrack Obama was one of the biggest recipients of AIG Political contributions? That Chris Dodd was second on that same list?
What about Andrew Cuomo? Wasn’t he running HUD & helped Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac plunge into the sub-prime markets?The same Andrew Cuomo who never bothered to put in place any means of monitoring these risky investments. Read more here. Where was Andrew Cuomo when Franklin Raines & Jamie Gorelick were benefiting from inflated bonuses based on Enron-style accounting? Hello, anybody out there paying attention? What about Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner?Wasn't he running the NY federal Reserve at one point? He knew bonuses were going to be given out two weeks ago because he also knew that these contracts were drawn up back in March of 2008 before any bailout money was ever given.
Why is he up in arms now.? Why not stop this 2 weeks ago?
Does anyone know if Katie Couric is still a reporter? Where the heck is George Stephanopoulos? George, can you ask a tough question more than once a year?…Chris Matthews..Tingly sensation part II. Chris Matthews the same guy that uttered "Oh God" as Louisiana Republican Governor, Bobby Jindal was about to come on and give a speech? Or the same guy known for his woman bashing & gay remarks?Don't want to hurt Obama's feelings?No time for investigative reporting?
The reason they are not covering the other side of this mess and all the players involved is because they know that this is an embarrassment to this administration. An embarrassment to everyone one of those Senators & Congressman who voted for the same $787 billion Stimulus Bill that Barrack Obama failed to read. It is an embarrassment because if he would have read it, he would have come across a provision that would have allowed for bonuses given prior to Feb 11th 2009. Chris Dodd added this provision in the bill. Can the good people of Connecticut please tell Chris Dodd to get the hell out Washington already. This guy is useless.
What about Barney “Yosemite Sam” Frank? Mr. Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac are doing well….Hey Barney get the bolony sandwich out of your mouth and beg the American people to vote you out of office. This is what happens when you try to rush passing a bill of this enormity with so many provisions that no one could have taken the time to read it.
I understand that the American people are angry and rightly so. I don’t know anyone of those employees receiving these bonuses, I don’t know if they were good employees and I don’t know the contractual terms for these bonuses. But to make them out to be greedy & out of touch is not doing justice to the story. These bonus contracts were drawn up long before the banking & financial crisis came along.
The truth is that many in this current administration have to bear some of the blame. A lot of them knew about the bonuses.Barrack Obama stood silent for 2 weeks and said nothing. Yet he had time to go on the Jay Leno Show to try out his new material. The mainstream media once again has done and is doing a terrible job of identifying all the culprits in this mess. I am calling every one of you out and daring you to run one story blaming any of the aforementioned bozos and their incompetence in handling this Bailout fiasco. I will be watching but I doubt you will do your moral duty and report the news so that Americans know the real truth.
If you are upset with incompetent news reporting, let the TV Networks know.
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