My question is not necessarily directed at the media but those in Congress, those who we have put there to look out for us little citizens with small voices. Did anyone list within this sacred bail out document conditions that nullified any bonus packages? The chant that had gone out when this bail out was decided upon was no more executive bonuses! But did those who voted realize that Federal Reserve did not and was not going to monitor bonuses made by the company? “…The Fed had "limited rights" in its oversight of AIG, Bernanke wrote Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., and was "not in a position to review or approve all of the specific compensation or other expenditures" at the insurance company.”
I am outraged at these loathsome amounts. Yes Liddy inherited this problem, (he has been quoted that the bonuses were not his idea and he thinks they are distasteful– yet he allowed them) but he was aware of these contractual bonuses from the beginning, as was the government. Why was this not dealt with when they handed over our money to bail these companies out? Why wait until the deed has been done to state their outrage and demand these individuals return the money? Are we not supposed to plan and be proactive instead of reactive? Is this how our government does business? Wait until the problem is here and the bridge has been crossed before deciding to take action? That is not how a business or a government can be run and survive.
I feel that these individuals receiving these bonuses should not have expected the money when the financial problems were fully realized. We do not give raises and bonuses to employees when there is not profit to do so, that is just bad business.
These actions leave me with many questions. Such as, do we continue to hand AIG bail out money as was the original plan? Will they disqualify bonuses in the future that are still listed in the contracts of their “exceptional employees” (aren’t these the same employees who put them in their financial straights to begin with – yes let’s reward children for bad behavior)?What happens if the government does not give them future monies? Will AIG fail and throw us into more of an economic upheaval? Has anyone looked closer at the connection of Goldman Sachs, Hank Paulson and Liddy? That is a connection that concerns me –and why is no one bringing their connections to light?
If not for us little citizens with little voices – where would this country be? It is time for someone to start listening and for all of us with little voices, speak as one to ensure we are heard.
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