Bernie Madoff, the shameless Ponzi schemer, who bilked billions of dollars from clueless investors, was sent off to jail after pleading guilty. Facing a possible 150 years behind bars, Madoff plead guilty in hopes of working out a deal with the Feds. Let's face it Bernie, you will not be seeing the New York Sklyline again any time soon. If there is any consolation to the hundreds of investors that were duped is the fact that Mr. Madoff may be willing to share information that may lead investigators to some of the hidden accounts. Meanwhile, Mrs. Madoff maintains that the 70 or so million dollars she has laying around had nothing to do with the Ponzi scheme....Sure, and I believe in the tooth fairy as well..Why not arrest her too? Wasn't she privvy to all this information?
I have a suggestion. Why not take some of that remaining TARP money sitting around in Tim Geithners backyard and bailout all of those unsuspecting investors who were ripped off by Bernie. That would be such a great PR move for the Obama administration that his approval ratings would probably go thru the roof.. "Obama bails out Bernie's bamboozled bunch."
See related story...
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