After a week of yukking it up on the Jay Leno show and and laughing off the economic situation on 60 Minutes, President Barrack Obama delivered his second Prime Time News conference in a somewhat more subdued manner. Whether this was by design or not, there were no one-liners aimed at the Special Olympics , Republicans or any one opposed to his Massive $3.6 Trillion Budget Proposal.
If the primary goal of this Press Love fest was to try to sell & convince the American people that his proposed $3.6 Trillion dollar Budget is part and parcel with the Economic recovery, than in Standup Comedy parlance, he bombed. We, the American people are not dumb. We are not all Pamela Andersons or Obama Girls or guys that get tingly feelings running up our legs everytime Mr. Obama speaks. Many of us are starting to understand & realize that in order to build trust and credibility there has to be a certain level of transparency and truthfulness when the government is asking each & everyone one of us to pay $36,000 of the current $11 Trillion dollar deficit that is mounting by the second. Debt that not only will smother the dreams our children’s children but will also undoubtedly bankrupt this nation right before our very own eyes. Taking with it the dreams of millions whose future is now.
We are all being asked to blindly jump on board with what amounts to a massive, radical spending, borrowing & tax plan. A plan that after all is said and done will amass more debt than the previous 43 Presidents combined. A plan that is asking the American people to sacrifice more of their hard earned dollars for the sake of saving the Polar Bear, Green cars and long lines at the doctors office.
While most Americans understand the need to explore alternative sources of energy, and at some point reform health care, these items will not do anything to create jobs today, tomorrow or next year.
The concern is from many. Democrats & Republicans alike have expressed concerns about the scale of this unprecedented spending spree. There is so much money being printed that it would make the staunchest tree hugging Liberal cringe.
Even the president of the European Union has been quoted as saying that "Obama’s plans to spend his way out of recession are a road to hell”
China as well has voiced her worries about the ability of the US to repay back the Trillions in debt owed to them. Debt that eats up about 8% of our Budget every year.
When President Obama stands in front of the cameras and reads from his teleprompter, his words come across as hollow. When he says that he will go line by line and cut wasteful spending, he never mentions which domestic or entitlement programs he is targeting. Yet he wants you to believe that spending Trillions is necessary and fiscally prudent. It just doesn’t jive.
There is never any mention form the administration or the Mainstream Media of the actual cost of the Cap & Trade program. There is never any mention of the fact that for every $8 dollars Americans pay into this program they will only get back $1 in tax relief. They do not mention the costs that will be incurred by businesses and passed on to consumers in the form of higher electric and gas prices. They do not mention that this program will impose a bigger burden on & hurt the poor and middle class more than the rich & well to do. Even the President’s own OMB Director, Peter Orzag is on record of stating this very same concern. There is never any mention by the media that this Cap & Trade program will have no effect on the climate or any benefit to taxpayers. The Wall Street Journal has stated that "Cap & Trade is a scheme to redistribute wealth. Redistribute wealth from the working Class to the wealthy. People who know how to leverage the political class” The Mainstream Media will not tell you that this is simply another money grab to deliver money and power to the government.
When the President talks about Health care reform, he does not mention the Medical review Boards that will decide what is treatable and what is not, he does not mention that millions of illegal immigrants will benefit from this program as well. The Mainstream Media will never report on the failures of National Health care in foreign countries of for that matter of the failures of States here in the US that have tried to implement Health Care reform.
We are no where near getting this economy back up on its feet and yet the President feels the to continue to burden Americans with record breaking spending proposals at a pace that will make FDR look like a Fiscal Conservative..
We as Americans demand & deserve real solutions to our economic problems as long as the spending is short term.The idea that we should continue to throw more money at all our problems cannot be sustained over the long haul without doing irreversible damage.
It is going to take less than 100 days for this President to undo the work of our founding fathers and the millions thereafter who have shaped this great country of ours over the last 300 years.
We are in a perilous & dangerous point in time where the foundation of this country may be altered for ever. If you are concerned about the direction this administration is taking this country in, if you care about the greatness of this country and want your children & grandchildren to recognize & remeber it as you did and your grandfather did and every great American has since her birth, then I suggest you contact your Representatives & Senators & let them know you care and are Taxed Enough Already.
Tell your President to stop complaining about how he inherited a Trillion dollar deficit & remind himself that the Honeymoon is over. Time to put the blame game to bed and begin to to do job he was elected to do. LEAD.
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