I must say, I find it quite disheartening to learn that now, after the public has learned of the loop holes in the bail out and the public has shown it's disgust, that now a committee is being put together to monitor the spending of these companies that received our tax monies. Again, why wait until the bridge has fallen to pieces before taking action? Why is Obama still supporting Geithner when he was well aware of the happenings? Why is it that we are still hearing all about how AIG needs to give these bonuses and not hearing a solid finanical plan to keep companies like AIG and Citicorp from needing future monies? Citicorp who has received multiple handouts is still building their own town full of condos for their executives. I ask, is this a reasonable endeavor to be followed through on if you are receiving money from the government to keep from going under?
Now they are unveiling a new plan that will allow the government to seize toxic assets (just what the government needs - toxic assets) and hand over the decision making of these insurance and financial giants to Geithner? The same man that managed to let the loop hole slide? This is like repairing that bridge with it's failed pieces. I fear that this is not the wisest plan. Are we sure we are not living in the 1800's when the cabinet was filled with those that worked the campaign for the President instead of those most qualified? What hold does Geithner have on Obama?
It is time that we come together as citizens of this great country, we need to be aware, to read, to learn to feel the outrage and know we can make a difference. For a country founded on patriotism and the desire to have a say in what happens in this country, we have fallen horribly short and failed ourselves. What happened to the turn out of 80% at the polls, of citizens who truly cared? Instead we follow baseball and watch as these teams dole out $45million dollars for a two year contract to a player and not blink an eye. Yet we fail to follow the leaders of our country so that we can make an informed decision. We need to stand as one and scream out that we will take no more, that we demand an answer, we demand justice.
Together, we can make a difference.
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