Wednesday, April 29, 2009


April 29, 2009 will mark President Barrack Obama’s 100th day in office. A milestone that was reached and filled with a multitude of mistakes and gaffe’s - the likes which no modern Presidency has experienced before.
If the next 1,360 are any indication of how the President will perform, I think that Saturday Night Live may have enough comedy material to last them for another decade….
Those big puffy clouds of euphoria that hovered over millions of Americans across the country and a host of News Networks shortly after 11PM on that Nov 8th election night are starting to turn into huge Nimbostratus that will shower Americans with Bigger Government, massive debt and put us on a path to Socialism Lite.
The soaring rhetoric and messages filled with hope & promise that were a staple of Barrack Obama’s campaign speeches, have abandoned the Messiah’s Teleprompter and been replaced with lies, cover-ups & apologetic speeches for the way that America has in his view, treated the rest of the world…Basically we are all getting 25 DVD’s that don’t work instead of the carved ornamental penholder from the timbers of the anti-slavery ship HMS Gannet..
It was said that all of those that voted for change, unity & bipartisanship instead of 4 more years of Bush, would see the dawning of a new day and everything that was wrong would be right and ohhh.. Halleluja!!!!
“Under my careful watch there will be no more Earmarks or Pork Barrel Spending” he said… I will go line by line and eliminate any wasteful spending and programs that don’t work. This of course will apply to any Pork Barrel projects after the first 9,000…After all, what’s a little pork between friends… Under my watch there will be no lobbyists allowed in my administration. I mean with the exception of 17 of my closest cronies…
He repeated continuously how hope will overcome fear, yet he rushed & warned members of Congress & the Senate to pass the massive $787 billion dollar Stimulus package or the US economy will forever be destroyed. So much so that he decided to take a three day getaway immediately afterwards…
I know we have all been living beyond our means and that will entail some changes in the way things will be done going forward said the Messiah in a campaign speech…A few months later while running up a 1.5 trillion dollar deficit he has the audacity to ask his Cabinet members to cut 100 million in department costs….a mere .0027% of the total deficit he ran up in less than 3 months…That’s like asking Donald Trump to get one less haircut a year…
His promise of transparency and being honest with the American people took a quick exit left right after a string of his choices for Cabinet positions turned out to be Tax cheats.Everyone from Bill Richardson to Tim Geithner.Yet, not once did he publicly denounce or ask that any of these tax cheats step down…..So much for honesty and transparency.. The list of goofs, gaffes and lies that began 100 minutes into his Presidency is endless. The handshaking and cajoling with dictators such as Hugo Chavez, Ortega & Castro..Bowing to Kings, The Apology tours, allowing AIG to live off Bailout money even after knowing for months that they were ready to pay out 165 million dollars in Bonuses to its executives…
He has all but completely dismissed his promise of Bipartisanship and working across both aisles to include Republican input on key bills & legislation...Not receiving a single Republican vote on the Stimulus bill is not my idea of trying to create real dialogue...This is arrogance as evidenced by his “I won” comment to Republicans leaders after the Stimulus Bill had passed.
He has at times acted like a 14 year old looking to get payback after being bullied by his classmates..evidence the reversal of long standing Republican policies on abortion and embryonic stem cell research...He has put Americans at risk in a time War by releasing CIA Memos detailing Enhanced Interrogation techniques used to extract key information that has led to and captured know terrorists plotting against the US. This despite polls that indicate that approximately 60% of Americans feel releasing these memos endanger the National Security of the US. He has chosen to close down Gitmo and release many of the terrorists now being held there without a plan on how and where they will be transferred to.
He has blamed America for the violence that is spilling into our country as a result of Mexican Drug traffickers. Yet he continuous to be soft on controlling our borders or admonishing their President, Felipe Calderon. And inspite of a possible Swine Flu Pandemic originating in Mexico, he has insisted that he will ensure that the Mexican border remains open…
He has shown indifference, callousness and at times been out of touch by failing to recognize the panic that flying his personal private jet, Air Force one 1500 feet over midtown Manhattan may cause New Yorkers given the events of 9/11.. These have been 100 days of stumbling, fumbling & bumbling…These have been 100 days of goofs, gaffes, good grief’s…
Unfortunately, there are still another 1360 days still to go..

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Enemy Within

The Constitution of the United States, Art. III, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. This offense is punishable by death. By the same article of the Constitution, no person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
On the surface, the punishment for committing such an offense against your country may seem somewhat harsh & barbaric…But it brings into focus the huge personal sacrifices, bloodletting and loss of life that our forefathers endured to allow for the freedoms and opportunities that each and everyone one of us enjoys today. It crystallizes the importance placed on preserving the rights of every American citizen to have personal security, personal liberty, and the right to acquire and enjoy property. Rights that are declared to be natural, inherent, and unalienable. Rights that if breached with the intent to harm and and aid the enemy in any manner as defined by the Constitution, will lead to death.
Yet it seems that we have a Commander in Chief that is displaying an underlying hatred for his country along with all his cronies at the White House and will stop at no end to tear it to shreds. How else can you perceive his recent actions on his “Apology Tour Part II” and his decision to ban enhanced interrogation techniques including Water boarding? Does he know that the enemy is watching and listening when his White House Press Secretary Robert Bubba Gibbs insinuates that those who permitted & practiced these techniques may be prosecuted? To me, this type of rhetoric is bordering on treason….This is irresponsible and is putting every American at risk of another potential terrorist attack
These actions in my opinion not only embolden the enemy - they insult millions of War veterans who have worn a uniform and served proudly & sacrificed so much to make this the greatest & safest nation in the world. The very act of shaking the hands of dictators and rogue leaders and bowing before the Kings is a slap in the face. A slap in the face to other countries that look to US for leadership. We don’t need a Commander in Chief that feels the need to continuously apologize for our past actions. We need a President that will remind people of and praise all the greatness that this country has to offer. Corrupt dictators that intimidate, oppress and keep their people down should not be treated in the same light as those that are interested in and upholding democracies in their countries.
It seems that the President is more concerned about image than establishing a strong Foreign Policy that clearly outlines our commitment to defending this country from all enemies. Our President seems more concerned about anti-terrorism security assessments put out by the DHS that targets manistream & patriotic Americans as dangerous extremists. This is what our Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano suggested to law-enforcement officials in her report. This I think is repulsive and unamerican. This is the same Janet Napolitano that was quoted as saying that "Horrendous & unspeakable acts committed by actual terrorists, dead set on destroying our country and killing Americans should be called Man-caused disasters"
We cannot worry about being perceived as the bad-guy because this will not deter the enemy from causing harm. It has not stopped Iran or North Korea from producing nuclear weapons, it has not stopped Al-Quaeda from all out Jihad against us, it has not stopped Hugo Chavez from berating or threatening the US, it has not prevented Mexicans from coming across our borders and kidnapping innocent Americans..The point is that there will always be an enemy of the US. Just because our President shakes hands and smiles with a couple of these thugs does not mean that world peace will finally be realized.
We must stand ready at all times to protect our interests and defend American lives at no cost. If water boarding a suspected terrorist leads to foiling plots to kill Americans, then by all means we must continue to utilize these techniques. This is child’s play compared to what some terrorists have done to our men & woman over the years. This is nothing compared to what some Mexican Drug Lords are doing to innocent Americans right in our own backyards.
These enhanced interrogation techniques including Water boarding have now been maligned and trashed by the Obama administration. These Classified Memos have now been released and made public for everyone to see, including our enemies. Made public to show how we go about extracting critical information in our fight against terrorism. Made public to placate to those on the far left who insist that the US is the bad guy and that we should prosecute everyone involved in these terrible acts.The time to release such Top Secret information is not when your country is still at war and there are young men & woman at risk.
So you must ask yourself, what good could releasing these memos provide? You have to ask yourself, is any of this working? Could it be possible that Janet Napolitano, Barrack Obama and some in his administration believe that Islamic terrorists are the good guys and that you & I are the bad guys? Will shaking hands with the likes of Chavez & Castro and sweet talking to Iranian Radicals change their ideologies? Is this type of diplomacy merely showing weakness that will continue to embolden the enemy? Safe to say that should there be another 9/11 type attack in this country and loss of life as a result, every single drop of blood shed will be on the President’s hands.It is no coincidence that there hasn’t been another domestic terrorist on this country since 9/11.It has been the result of of a vigilant and strong military presence coupled with these very same enhanced interrogation techniques now being released and banned by President Obama that has kept us safe for the past 7yrs & 7 months. Thank you George Bush.
With this being said, this country should not be apologizing to any one period. Revisionist history will tell you that America has freed and brought Democracy to more people in this world than all other Nations combined. We have aided & defended many nations. Americans have shed their blood and millions of lives have been lost defending many nations from oppressive forms of government for the past 65 years. So how can this be described as arrogance? How can our President stand in front of rogue dictators and bash America for being too arrogant? Is this all in the name of being part of the new World Citizenry?
I don’t want to be a citizen of the world; I want to be a citizen of the greatest country in the world, the USA. I could care less about how Europe, France, Germany, South America, Iran, Cuba, China or any other country perceives us. I live in the US.
I would suggest that if this country is such a bad place, why do people still insist on coming here and crossing our borders illegally? If this is such a bad place, why don’t these critics just pack up and move out to one of their favorite rogue nations?
I think it is time for people to start appreciating and defending this great country of ours. It is time to take ownership of your country. This is your country. This is not the Presidents country, this is the not the Secretary of State’s country or the Congress’ country, this is your country.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009


On April 15th 2009, millions of Americans across all communities and 50 fifty states will be organizing to say they are TEA"D - Taxed Enough Already. This grassroots movement is a good sign for Americans who are fed up with a Congress and a President that are hell bent on an unprecedented spending spree that will keep you and your grandkids in debt for as long as the sun shines. It is a way for Americans from all corners of this great nation to let President Obama know they are not happy with his planned Federal spending spree.

This spending spree will simply mean more money being mismanaged by your federal government, more power for politicians & more debt. This spending spree will mean more bureaucrats using your hard earned tax dollars to spend as they wish. A spending spree that will not lead to real job growth or prosperity. This is a spending spree that rewards special interest groups with Billions of your tax dollars to get themselves re-elected. Ever hear of ACORN?
This is a spending spree that simply wants to take your hard earned money and redistribute it to others who have not practiced responsible financial behavior. In other words, your hard earned money will most likely help pay the mortage of your next door neighbor who though it was a better idea to own 3 cars and 2 big screen T.Vs. than to save money for a rainy day.


This is a spending spree that will pour trillions of tax dollars into programs that will forever alter your lifestyle without any chance of your grandkids ever coming close to a similiar way of life.
You will be imposed a tax for carbon emissions on your electricity, gas and home heating fuels.
You will be forced to pay increased taxes for a government run Health Care system. Scary just thinking about it. Your tax dollars will help fund legislation that will continue to allow the flow of illegal immigrants into our country and then pay for their Health Insurance and fund their SS Benefits...
This spending spree will have every American indebted to countries like China for decades to come....
A spending spree that will have you writing more checks to go towards paying off the Federal deficit instead of paying for family vacations and other personal items.

If you are fed up & tired of your government mismanaging your hard earned tax dollars,
I urge you to participate in any one of hundreds of TAX Day TEA party rallies around the country.
While you are there, call Congress and the president (Representative and Senators, 202-224-3121; President, 202-456-1414). Tell Every American about this effort by forwarding this invitation to your friends. Together we can make a difference.


Sunday, April 12, 2009


Slavery as we know it, began sometime in 1607 soon after the first English Colonists settled in Virginia and lasted over 250 years until the passage of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1865.
In its simplest terms Slavery can be defined as a form of forced labor in which people are considered to be, or treated as, the property of others. Slaves are held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and are deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to receive compensation (such as wages).
While formally outlawed in nearly all countries, the practice continues in various forms around the world. You can now add the United States to that list of countries engaged in this practice again. No,we are not talking about the kind of Chattel Slavery or indentured servitude practiced in those 250 years between 1607 & 1865. This is Slavery 2009 version. The Slave holders of today reside primarily in the Washington D.C. area unlike their predecessors who practiced their trade in all 15 states where it was legal. They are your President, your Congressmen & women and Senators who have shackled each and every one of you and your family members with the chains of debt for generations to come.
These 536 Slave Holders have decided to hold 300 million people against their will to freely decide how to spend their hard earned money. As property of the US government they will decide for you as they see fit. As property of the US government, you will labor without compensation from January 1st till April 20 every year from the time you are able to work till you die, to ensure that they continue to exist. Exist to live the life of the well to do and Stately. You are merely obedient servants who must bow to your Masters and cater to their thirst for power. As property of the US government, you will also labor painstakingly against your wills to support entitlement programs that the Slave Masters deem necessary to continue reaping their huge profits.
So unless there are any Nate Turner Rebellions in the making or any Civil Wars to overturn these 536 Slave Holders, you may be in for another 250 years of Slavery let alone just 4.
Just as in the 1850’s when the Pro Slavery Party of Democrats had control of 2 thirds of the Federal Branches of Government, Democrats hold similar power today.
But that did not stop a few who overcame great odds to correct an injustice. In this vast sea of Political figures, there will rise a another Abraham Lincoln. There will be a voice that will be heard that will echo the angst of the Slave of today. Is the next Harriet Tubman or Harriet Beecher Stowe hiding behind the walls of Congress or the Senate? I sure hope so… When is the next great rebellion or insurrection coming? This may be the only thing that stands between freedom & another 250 years of chains & shackles…

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Liberals, Act like you think....

As I go thru countless news articles and blogs, I have been intrigued by how many of these so called Progressive Democrats; Limosine Liberals & Elitist types have championed the idea of a European style Socialist Agenda so blindly. It's sort of like an infatuation akin to a 40 year old virgin falling in love with a transvestite.

The interesting thing here is that the vast majority of these Latte Libs that envision Utopian communities & decry individualism & Capitalism have never taken the time to reside in any of these very same communities that practice Socialism, Communism, Fascism or Marxism. Yet somehow they can vividly describe and extol all the virtues and fairness of a Socialist way of life. They enjoy tearing down & criticizing the traditional norms & Social conservatism that has made this the greatest nation in the world. But more often than not, their blind desire to create the perfect world lies in stark confutation with the Capitalistic lives they live. Lives which in many instances allows them to make more money than they could ever dream of. Then there are those like Sean Penn, Samuel L Jackson & Naomi Campbell to name a few, that have a need to hold hands with and smooch with known dictators or leaders of Socialist countries. They praise the works of these Marxists abroad and think the world is a better place for having them around. They hobnob around with these Pinheads, and avail themselves for the photo ops that in a word say, “Screw you America”. They then retreat to their secret lives as Hollywood actors and attempt to sell you on why you should spend your hard earned $10 dollars to watch their latest movies. Movies for which they command salaries of $15-25 million dollars.
When you look at these astronomical salaries, it is obvious that Hollywood is not your typical community where everyone shares equally in Labor & Profit.

You also have Politicians being coerced and strong armed into passing legislation to reform Health Care and Nationalize Medicine at a time when they & their families benefit from the best Health Plans and Medicine in this country.Yet you never read about or hear any 60 Minute Reports on these politicians going abroad and making doctors appointment to treat their wife’s breast cancer or get a hip replacement for their mothers. You never see Katie Couric report on the many woman in Europe & other Socialist countries who are being denied cancer treatment because their government thinks it is too expensive. Maybe these woman can tell you how wonderful nationalized health care really is instead of some Geeky Lib hiding behind a laptop.

So before you go around abdicating and promoting the fairness & equitableness of a European Style Utopian Society -I have a few suggestions that you might want to consider before the other 59 million or so who want no part of this experiment, come on board.
If you believe in Nationalized Health Care, Climate Control, & Education reform so much – Write to your leaders and Representatives in Congress & the Senate & let them know to enact this legislation only for the 69 million who voted for Obama. Tell them that in the name of fairness and your desire to make this a better country for everyone, including people that are here illegally, you and another 69 million people- including the likes of Sean Penn, Samuel L Jackson, Naomi Campbell, David Brooks, Keith Olberman, Chris Matthews, Pamela Anderson,Theresa Heinz, John Kerry, Larry King, Al Gore, Colin Powell & George Soros are willing to accept & pay for the cost of running these programs. Tell them that you & they are ashamed of making so much money that you are willing to share it with those that want National Health Care, Climate Control and an Educational overhaul. Tell them that you will be more than welcome to pick up the tab of $800 billion or so that it would cost taxpayers a year to provide for these great programs. Tell your Representatives & Senators that they can save half the money on their proposed budget because there are about 59 million other people or so that want no part of these programs. Tell them that for the next 10 years you and 69 million of your closest friends all will share in and equally divide all of the fruits of your collective laboring. All for one and one for all. Just one big happy commune spread across 27 or States.
The other 59 million of us will just sit back and await for all of your wonderful success stories. We will be waiting anxiously for those heartwarming exclusives on Lifestyles of the Equally Poor.

In the meantime, we will settle for individualism, capitalism, lower taxes, Free markets, less government intrusion & a better vision for the country.
I trust you all will do a fine job. The experience of actually living thru a period of Socialist Utopia may do a world of good to your already wild imaginations.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Now that the historic nature of the 2008 elections is over, culminating in the first African American President, we are starting to see the results of what happens when there is a major portion of the electorate that basically has no clue as to why they voted the way they did. As many are beginning to realize, it is one thing to get out and vote, and another to understand the consequences of that vote.
To his credit, Barrack Obama did what a politician does; he did what the suave smooth talking jock would do to get the unpretentious high school girl. He exploited the vulnerabilities of every voting class with his savvy rhetoric and lofty promises. He played on people’s fear and their inability to rise up and fight for their dreams and promised them that if elected he would do it for them. He sweet talked the girl into giving him a date.
The sweet nothings whispered into every availible & desperate ear, even caused tingly sensations to run up grown men's legs. The flattery was intoxicating. If you can’t afford to pay for college I will pay it for you. You can go to college but just make sure you don’t make a lot of money after graduating. If you are here illegally I will keep you here, that is unless you are related to me. There is plenty of room here in the White House, just make sure to turn off the lights before you go to bed. I’ll make sure you get driver licenses, a free education and free health insurance. If you are old I will make you young & strong. I may cut out your Medicare and your electric bill may go up 10 times what it is now, but I will make sure your pensions are protected becasue you will need them to pay for the candles you will go through once your Energy Tax Bill goes through your wallets. If you are sick I will give you free Health coverage. If you can’t afford to pay your mortgage, I will pay it for you, If you don’t have a car I will order GM to make one for you. Need a sink in the kitchen not a problem. If you need bowling lessons, I can’t help you with that but I can promise to make you a better 3 point shooter.
As you can see, there are enough of these voting blocks across all states that really have no interest in the well being of this nation other than to see what their country will do for them. The transformation of the United States of America from a Capitalistic & Free Market world power to a European style Socialist Nanny State has begun. You have just traded in your children’s & grandchildren’s future in for a bunch of outdated Liberal Spending ideas & entitlement & payback programs that you will pay for till eternity.
This is a sad & sobering commentary on many parents, spineless politicians & our higher education institutions and what are children are being taught about this country. In many instances, a lot of these institutions which tend to have a predominantly Liberal tilt in their philosophical approach, have influenced & championed the negative views that many of this younger electorate has. And that is that America somehow is a bad country & a bully and that in some way it has let them down and not been fair to everyone. America somehow owes you something when in fact it is the other way around.
It is a view that has been voiced as recently as last years presidential election by Mr. Obama’s wife Michelle Obama, who said that she was” feeling proud of her country for the first time” . This said in reference to her husband running for the Presidency. This coming from a woman that was blessed with all the trappings of success any person could ask for in this great nation of ours. She was afforded the opportunity of a great Ivy League School education & a 6 figure paying job.What else can you ask for from a nation that has helped so many.

Still there many people classes of people in this very country, some being parents & politicians that complain about what a horrible country this is. Nonetheless, these are the same people that keep their mouths shut and get brain lock & allow their kids to watch endless hours of TV and surf the internet for hours at a time. These are the same people that do not hold their kids accountable for underperforming in school, but instead reward bad behavior and somehow surmise that by buying them the latest electronic gadgets, that this is showing love. These are the same people that allow their 16 year old sons & daughters to get their bodies pierced and tattooed in return for passing their English class with a C grade. These are the same people that will bend over backwards to make sure their kids learn how to drive so that they can go out and party with their friends instead of looking for a Part time job to help pay for the insurance on it. We are creating nanny households where we are now supporting our kids into their late 20’s & 30’s. This has become a nation of Wimps & lazy bums. If this country had to depend on the men of today to defend herself against the British, we’d all be Englishmen today. Thank God for brave men like George Washinton.

It is no wonder that so many have succumbed to the shamelessness of having their country bail them out of every hardship that comes their way. It is no surprise then that when these blocks of suffering & reliant stooges are asked to cast a vote, they vote for the person who will promise the most freebies.
If you cast a vote one way because you did not want your friends and neighbors to think you are a racist, try to explain that to your Kid’s Kids’ when they have to wait 6 months to see a doctor when they may be dying. If you cast a vote in favor of the Rock Star like guy in favor of the poker faced short baldy chap to try and cultivate a moments worth of linkage with your rebellious voting age child then you can try and explain to them why their kids will never be able to afford the same standard of living you enjoy now.

President Barack Obama’s “hope” rhetoric and quick-fix ideology are doomed to fail because they are based on Socialism, requiring government to become the “provider.”
These Socialist policies always require more hardworking citizens to pay more taxes to support others who contribute nothing. If you eliminate the incentive for people to work hard and open up new businesses, then you end up driving that society basically into poverty. Socialism does not work. It has been tried in many other countries and when socialists attempt to make everybody equal they will meddle in every aspect of your life and snuff out any hope or motivation of getting ahead.
So if you are as angry and upset as many are, stand up and call your Representatives in government and let them know that you want no part of this way of life. If you are a Politician still on the fence and are worried about your upcoming re-elections instead of preserving the greatness of this country, then you need to find another line of work. We need principled politicians who will stand by their values and not count votes.