Slavery as we know it, began sometime in 1607 soon after the first English Colonists settled in Virginia and lasted over 250 years until the passage of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1865.
In its simplest terms Slavery can be defined as a form of forced labor in which people are considered to be, or treated as, the property of others. Slaves are held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and are deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to receive compensation (such as wages).
While formally outlawed in nearly all countries, the practice continues in various forms around the world. You can now add the United States to that list of countries engaged in this practice again. No,we are not talking about the kind of Chattel Slavery or indentured servitude practiced in those 250 years between 1607 & 1865. This is Slavery 2009 version. The Slave holders of today reside primarily in the Washington D.C. area unlike their predecessors who practiced their trade in all 15 states where it was legal. They are your President, your Congressmen & women and Senators who have shackled each and every one of you and your family members with the chains of debt for generations to come.
These 536 Slave Holders have decided to hold 300 million people against their will to freely decide how to spend their hard earned money. As property of the US government they will decide for you as they see fit. As property of the US government, you will labor without compensation from January 1st till April 20 every year from the time you are able to work till you die, to ensure that they continue to exist. Exist to live the life of the well to do and Stately. You are merely obedient servants who must bow to your Masters and cater to their thirst for power. As property of the US government, you will also labor painstakingly against your wills to support entitlement programs that the Slave Masters deem necessary to continue reaping their huge profits. So unless there are any Nate Turner Rebellions in the making or any Civil Wars to overturn these 536 Slave Holders, you may be in for another 250 years of Slavery let alone just 4.
Just as in the 1850’s when the Pro Slavery Party of Democrats had control of 2 thirds of the Federal Branches of Government, Democrats hold similar power today.
But that did not stop a few who overcame great odds to correct an injustice. In this vast sea of Political figures, there will rise a another Abraham Lincoln. There will be a voice that will be heard that will echo the angst of the Slave of today. Is the next Harriet Tubman or Harriet Beecher Stowe hiding behind the walls of Congress or the Senate? I sure hope so… When is the next great rebellion or insurrection coming? This may be the only thing that stands between freedom & another 250 years of chains & shackles…
In its simplest terms Slavery can be defined as a form of forced labor in which people are considered to be, or treated as, the property of others. Slaves are held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and are deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to receive compensation (such as wages).
While formally outlawed in nearly all countries, the practice continues in various forms around the world. You can now add the United States to that list of countries engaged in this practice again. No,we are not talking about the kind of Chattel Slavery or indentured servitude practiced in those 250 years between 1607 & 1865. This is Slavery 2009 version. The Slave holders of today reside primarily in the Washington D.C. area unlike their predecessors who practiced their trade in all 15 states where it was legal. They are your President, your Congressmen & women and Senators who have shackled each and every one of you and your family members with the chains of debt for generations to come.
These 536 Slave Holders have decided to hold 300 million people against their will to freely decide how to spend their hard earned money. As property of the US government they will decide for you as they see fit. As property of the US government, you will labor without compensation from January 1st till April 20 every year from the time you are able to work till you die, to ensure that they continue to exist. Exist to live the life of the well to do and Stately. You are merely obedient servants who must bow to your Masters and cater to their thirst for power. As property of the US government, you will also labor painstakingly against your wills to support entitlement programs that the Slave Masters deem necessary to continue reaping their huge profits. So unless there are any Nate Turner Rebellions in the making or any Civil Wars to overturn these 536 Slave Holders, you may be in for another 250 years of Slavery let alone just 4.
Just as in the 1850’s when the Pro Slavery Party of Democrats had control of 2 thirds of the Federal Branches of Government, Democrats hold similar power today.
But that did not stop a few who overcame great odds to correct an injustice. In this vast sea of Political figures, there will rise a another Abraham Lincoln. There will be a voice that will be heard that will echo the angst of the Slave of today. Is the next Harriet Tubman or Harriet Beecher Stowe hiding behind the walls of Congress or the Senate? I sure hope so… When is the next great rebellion or insurrection coming? This may be the only thing that stands between freedom & another 250 years of chains & shackles…
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