Now that the historic nature of the 2008 elections is over, culminating in the first African American President, we are starting to see the results of what happens when there is a major portion of the electorate that basically has no clue as to why they voted the way they did. As many are beginning to realize, it is one thing to get out and vote, and another to understand the consequences of that vote.
To his credit, Barrack Obama did what a politician does; he did what the suave smooth talking jock would do to get the unpretentious high school girl. He exploited the vulnerabilities of every voting class with his savvy rhetoric and lofty promises. He played on people’s fear and their inability to rise up and fight for their dreams and promised them that if elected he would do it for them. He sweet talked the girl into giving him a date.
To his credit, Barrack Obama did what a politician does; he did what the suave smooth talking jock would do to get the unpretentious high school girl. He exploited the vulnerabilities of every voting class with his savvy rhetoric and lofty promises. He played on people’s fear and their inability to rise up and fight for their dreams and promised them that if elected he would do it for them. He sweet talked the girl into giving him a date.
The sweet nothings whispered into every availible & desperate ear, even caused tingly sensations to run up grown men's legs. The flattery was intoxicating. If you can’t afford to pay for college I will pay it for you. You can go to college but just make sure you don’t make a lot of money after graduating. If you are here illegally I will keep you here, that is unless you are related to me. There is plenty of room here in the White House, just make sure to turn off the lights before you go to bed. I’ll make sure you get driver licenses, a free education and free health insurance. If you are old I will make you young & strong. I may cut out your Medicare and your electric bill may go up 10 times what it is now, but I will make sure your pensions are protected becasue you will need them to pay for the candles you will go through once your Energy Tax Bill goes through your wallets. If you are sick I will give you free Health coverage. If you can’t afford to pay your mortgage, I will pay it for you, If you don’t have a car I will order GM to make one for you. Need a sink in the kitchen not a problem. If you need bowling lessons, I can’t help you with that but I can promise to make you a better 3 point shooter.
As you can see, there are enough of these voting blocks across all states that really have no interest in the well being of this nation other than to see what their country will do for them. The transformation of the United States of America from a Capitalistic & Free Market world power to a European style Socialist Nanny State has begun. You have just traded in your children’s & grandchildren’s future in for a bunch of outdated Liberal Spending ideas & entitlement & payback programs that you will pay for till eternity.
This is a sad & sobering commentary on many parents, spineless politicians & our higher education institutions and what are children are being taught about this country. In many instances, a lot of these institutions which tend to have a predominantly Liberal tilt in their philosophical approach, have influenced & championed the negative views that many of this younger electorate has. And that is that America somehow is a bad country & a bully and that in some way it has let them down and not been fair to everyone. America somehow owes you something when in fact it is the other way around.
It is a view that has been voiced as recently as last years presidential election by Mr. Obama’s wife Michelle Obama, who said that she was” feeling proud of her country for the first time” . This said in reference to her husband running for the Presidency. This coming from a woman that was blessed with all the trappings of success any person could ask for in this great nation of ours. She was afforded the opportunity of a great Ivy League School education & a 6 figure paying job.What else can you ask for from a nation that has helped so many.
This is a sad & sobering commentary on many parents, spineless politicians & our higher education institutions and what are children are being taught about this country. In many instances, a lot of these institutions which tend to have a predominantly Liberal tilt in their philosophical approach, have influenced & championed the negative views that many of this younger electorate has. And that is that America somehow is a bad country & a bully and that in some way it has let them down and not been fair to everyone. America somehow owes you something when in fact it is the other way around.
It is a view that has been voiced as recently as last years presidential election by Mr. Obama’s wife Michelle Obama, who said that she was” feeling proud of her country for the first time” . This said in reference to her husband running for the Presidency. This coming from a woman that was blessed with all the trappings of success any person could ask for in this great nation of ours. She was afforded the opportunity of a great Ivy League School education & a 6 figure paying job.What else can you ask for from a nation that has helped so many.
Still there many people classes of people in this very country, some being parents & politicians that complain about what a horrible country this is. Nonetheless, these are the same people that keep their mouths shut and get brain lock & allow their kids to watch endless hours of TV and surf the internet for hours at a time. These are the same people that do not hold their kids accountable for underperforming in school, but instead reward bad behavior and somehow surmise that by buying them the latest electronic gadgets, that this is showing love. These are the same people that allow their 16 year old sons & daughters to get their bodies pierced and tattooed in return for passing their English class with a C grade. These are the same people that will bend over backwards to make sure their kids learn how to drive so that they can go out and party with their friends instead of looking for a Part time job to help pay for the insurance on it. We are creating nanny households where we are now supporting our kids into their late 20’s & 30’s. This has become a nation of Wimps & lazy bums. If this country had to depend on the men of today to defend herself against the British, we’d all be Englishmen today. Thank God for brave men like George Washinton.
It is no wonder that so many have succumbed to the shamelessness of having their country bail them out of every hardship that comes their way. It is no surprise then that when these blocks of suffering & reliant stooges are asked to cast a vote, they vote for the person who will promise the most freebies.
If you cast a vote one way because you did not want your friends and neighbors to think you are a racist, try to explain that to your Kid’s Kids’ when they have to wait 6 months to see a doctor when they may be dying. If you cast a vote in favor of the Rock Star like guy in favor of the poker faced short baldy chap to try and cultivate a moments worth of linkage with your rebellious voting age child then you can try and explain to them why their kids will never be able to afford the same standard of living you enjoy now.
If you cast a vote one way because you did not want your friends and neighbors to think you are a racist, try to explain that to your Kid’s Kids’ when they have to wait 6 months to see a doctor when they may be dying. If you cast a vote in favor of the Rock Star like guy in favor of the poker faced short baldy chap to try and cultivate a moments worth of linkage with your rebellious voting age child then you can try and explain to them why their kids will never be able to afford the same standard of living you enjoy now.
President Barack Obama’s “hope” rhetoric and quick-fix ideology are doomed to fail because they are based on Socialism, requiring government to become the “provider.”
These Socialist policies always require more hardworking citizens to pay more taxes to support others who contribute nothing. If you eliminate the incentive for people to work hard and open up new businesses, then you end up driving that society basically into poverty. Socialism does not work. It has been tried in many other countries and when socialists attempt to make everybody equal they will meddle in every aspect of your life and snuff out any hope or motivation of getting ahead.
These Socialist policies always require more hardworking citizens to pay more taxes to support others who contribute nothing. If you eliminate the incentive for people to work hard and open up new businesses, then you end up driving that society basically into poverty. Socialism does not work. It has been tried in many other countries and when socialists attempt to make everybody equal they will meddle in every aspect of your life and snuff out any hope or motivation of getting ahead.
So if you are as angry and upset as many are, stand up and call your Representatives in government and let them know that you want no part of this way of life. If you are a Politician still on the fence and are worried about your upcoming re-elections instead of preserving the greatness of this country, then you need to find another line of work. We need principled politicians who will stand by their values and not count votes.
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