Tuesday, April 14, 2009


On April 15th 2009, millions of Americans across all communities and 50 fifty states will be organizing to say they are TEA"D - Taxed Enough Already. This grassroots movement is a good sign for Americans who are fed up with a Congress and a President that are hell bent on an unprecedented spending spree that will keep you and your grandkids in debt for as long as the sun shines. It is a way for Americans from all corners of this great nation to let President Obama know they are not happy with his planned Federal spending spree.

This spending spree will simply mean more money being mismanaged by your federal government, more power for politicians & more debt. This spending spree will mean more bureaucrats using your hard earned tax dollars to spend as they wish. A spending spree that will not lead to real job growth or prosperity. This is a spending spree that rewards special interest groups with Billions of your tax dollars to get themselves re-elected. Ever hear of ACORN?
This is a spending spree that simply wants to take your hard earned money and redistribute it to others who have not practiced responsible financial behavior. In other words, your hard earned money will most likely help pay the mortage of your next door neighbor who though it was a better idea to own 3 cars and 2 big screen T.Vs. than to save money for a rainy day.


This is a spending spree that will pour trillions of tax dollars into programs that will forever alter your lifestyle without any chance of your grandkids ever coming close to a similiar way of life.
You will be imposed a tax for carbon emissions on your electricity, gas and home heating fuels.
You will be forced to pay increased taxes for a government run Health Care system. Scary just thinking about it. Your tax dollars will help fund legislation that will continue to allow the flow of illegal immigrants into our country and then pay for their Health Insurance and fund their SS Benefits...
This spending spree will have every American indebted to countries like China for decades to come....
A spending spree that will have you writing more checks to go towards paying off the Federal deficit instead of paying for family vacations and other personal items.

If you are fed up & tired of your government mismanaging your hard earned tax dollars,
I urge you to participate in any one of hundreds of TAX Day TEA party rallies around the country.
While you are there, call Congress and the president (Representative and Senators, 202-224-3121; President, 202-456-1414). Tell Every American about this effort by forwarding this invitation to your friends. Together we can make a difference.


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