The Constitution of the United States, Art. III, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. This offense is punishable by death. By the same article of the Constitution, no person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
On the surface, the punishment for committing such an offense against your country may seem somewhat harsh & barbaric…But it brings into focus the huge personal sacrifices, bloodletting and loss of life that our forefathers endured to allow for the freedoms and opportunities that each and everyone one of us enjoys today. It crystallizes the importance placed on preserving the rights of every American citizen to have personal security, personal liberty, and the right to acquire and enjoy property. Rights that are declared to be natural, inherent, and unalienable. Rights that if breached with the intent to harm and and aid the enemy in any manner as defined by the Constitution, will lead to death.
Yet it seems that we have a Commander in Chief that is displaying an underlying hatred for his country along with all his cronies at the White House and will stop at no end to tear it to shreds. How else can you perceive his recent actions on his “Apology Tour Part II” and his decision to ban enhanced interrogation techniques including Water boarding? Does he know that the enemy is watching and listening when his White House Press Secretary Robert Bubba Gibbs insinuates that those who permitted & practiced these techniques may be prosecuted? To me, this type of rhetoric is bordering on treason….This is irresponsible and is putting every American at risk of another potential terrorist attack
These actions in my opinion not only embolden the enemy - they insult millions of War veterans who have worn a uniform and served proudly & sacrificed so much to make this the greatest & safest nation in the world. The very act of shaking the hands of dictators and rogue leaders and bowing before the Kings is a slap in the face. A slap in the face to other countries that look to US for leadership. We don’t need a Commander in Chief that feels the need to continuously apologize for our past actions. We need a President that will remind people of and praise all the greatness that this country has to offer. Corrupt dictators that intimidate, oppress and keep their people down should not be treated in the same light as those that are interested in and upholding democracies in their countries.
It seems that the President is more concerned about image than establishing a strong Foreign Policy that clearly outlines our commitment to defending this country from all enemies. Our President seems more concerned about anti-terrorism security assessments put out by the DHS that targets manistream & patriotic Americans as dangerous extremists. This is what our Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano suggested to law-enforcement officials in her report. This I think is repulsive and unamerican. This is the same Janet Napolitano that was quoted as saying that "Horrendous & unspeakable acts committed by actual terrorists, dead set on destroying our country and killing Americans should be called Man-caused disasters"
On the surface, the punishment for committing such an offense against your country may seem somewhat harsh & barbaric…But it brings into focus the huge personal sacrifices, bloodletting and loss of life that our forefathers endured to allow for the freedoms and opportunities that each and everyone one of us enjoys today. It crystallizes the importance placed on preserving the rights of every American citizen to have personal security, personal liberty, and the right to acquire and enjoy property. Rights that are declared to be natural, inherent, and unalienable. Rights that if breached with the intent to harm and and aid the enemy in any manner as defined by the Constitution, will lead to death.
Yet it seems that we have a Commander in Chief that is displaying an underlying hatred for his country along with all his cronies at the White House and will stop at no end to tear it to shreds. How else can you perceive his recent actions on his “Apology Tour Part II” and his decision to ban enhanced interrogation techniques including Water boarding? Does he know that the enemy is watching and listening when his White House Press Secretary Robert Bubba Gibbs insinuates that those who permitted & practiced these techniques may be prosecuted? To me, this type of rhetoric is bordering on treason….This is irresponsible and is putting every American at risk of another potential terrorist attack
These actions in my opinion not only embolden the enemy - they insult millions of War veterans who have worn a uniform and served proudly & sacrificed so much to make this the greatest & safest nation in the world. The very act of shaking the hands of dictators and rogue leaders and bowing before the Kings is a slap in the face. A slap in the face to other countries that look to US for leadership. We don’t need a Commander in Chief that feels the need to continuously apologize for our past actions. We need a President that will remind people of and praise all the greatness that this country has to offer. Corrupt dictators that intimidate, oppress and keep their people down should not be treated in the same light as those that are interested in and upholding democracies in their countries.
It seems that the President is more concerned about image than establishing a strong Foreign Policy that clearly outlines our commitment to defending this country from all enemies. Our President seems more concerned about anti-terrorism security assessments put out by the DHS that targets manistream & patriotic Americans as dangerous extremists. This is what our Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano suggested to law-enforcement officials in her report. This I think is repulsive and unamerican. This is the same Janet Napolitano that was quoted as saying that "Horrendous & unspeakable acts committed by actual terrorists, dead set on destroying our country and killing Americans should be called Man-caused disasters"
We cannot worry about being perceived as the bad-guy because this will not deter the enemy from causing harm. It has not stopped Iran or North Korea from producing nuclear weapons, it has not stopped Al-Quaeda from all out Jihad against us, it has not stopped Hugo Chavez from berating or threatening the US, it has not prevented Mexicans from coming across our borders and kidnapping innocent Americans..The point is that there will always be an enemy of the US. Just because our President shakes hands and smiles with a couple of these thugs does not mean that world peace will finally be realized.
We must stand ready at all times to protect our interests and defend American lives at no cost. If water boarding a suspected terrorist leads to foiling plots to kill Americans, then by all means we must continue to utilize these techniques. This is child’s play compared to what some terrorists have done to our men & woman over the years. This is nothing compared to what some Mexican Drug Lords are doing to innocent Americans right in our own backyards.
These enhanced interrogation techniques including Water boarding have now been maligned and trashed by the Obama administration. These Classified Memos have now been released and made public for everyone to see, including our enemies. Made public to show how we go about extracting critical information in our fight against terrorism. Made public to placate to those on the far left who insist that the US is the bad guy and that we should prosecute everyone involved in these terrible acts.The time to release such Top Secret information is not when your country is still at war and there are young men & woman at risk.
So you must ask yourself, what good could releasing these memos provide? You have to ask yourself, is any of this working? Could it be possible that Janet Napolitano, Barrack Obama and some in his administration believe that Islamic terrorists are the good guys and that you & I are the bad guys? Will shaking hands with the likes of Chavez & Castro and sweet talking to Iranian Radicals change their ideologies? Is this type of diplomacy merely showing weakness that will continue to embolden the enemy? Safe to say that should there be another 9/11 type attack in this country and loss of life as a result, every single drop of blood shed will be on the President’s hands.It is no coincidence that there hasn’t been another domestic terrorist on this country since 9/11.It has been the result of of a vigilant and strong military presence coupled with these very same enhanced interrogation techniques now being released and banned by President Obama that has kept us safe for the past 7yrs & 7 months. Thank you George Bush.
With this being said, this country should not be apologizing to any one period. Revisionist history will tell you that America has freed and brought Democracy to more people in this world than all other Nations combined. We have aided & defended many nations. Americans have shed their blood and millions of lives have been lost defending many nations from oppressive forms of government for the past 65 years. So how can this be described as arrogance? How can our President stand in front of rogue dictators and bash America for being too arrogant? Is this all in the name of being part of the new World Citizenry?
I don’t want to be a citizen of the world; I want to be a citizen of the greatest country in the world, the USA. I could care less about how Europe, France, Germany, South America, Iran, Cuba, China or any other country perceives us. I live in the US.
I would suggest that if this country is such a bad place, why do people still insist on coming here and crossing our borders illegally? If this is such a bad place, why don’t these critics just pack up and move out to one of their favorite rogue nations?
I think it is time for people to start appreciating and defending this great country of ours. It is time to take ownership of your country. This is your country. This is not the Presidents country, this is the not the Secretary of State’s country or the Congress’ country, this is your country.
We must stand ready at all times to protect our interests and defend American lives at no cost. If water boarding a suspected terrorist leads to foiling plots to kill Americans, then by all means we must continue to utilize these techniques. This is child’s play compared to what some terrorists have done to our men & woman over the years. This is nothing compared to what some Mexican Drug Lords are doing to innocent Americans right in our own backyards.
These enhanced interrogation techniques including Water boarding have now been maligned and trashed by the Obama administration. These Classified Memos have now been released and made public for everyone to see, including our enemies. Made public to show how we go about extracting critical information in our fight against terrorism. Made public to placate to those on the far left who insist that the US is the bad guy and that we should prosecute everyone involved in these terrible acts.The time to release such Top Secret information is not when your country is still at war and there are young men & woman at risk.
So you must ask yourself, what good could releasing these memos provide? You have to ask yourself, is any of this working? Could it be possible that Janet Napolitano, Barrack Obama and some in his administration believe that Islamic terrorists are the good guys and that you & I are the bad guys? Will shaking hands with the likes of Chavez & Castro and sweet talking to Iranian Radicals change their ideologies? Is this type of diplomacy merely showing weakness that will continue to embolden the enemy? Safe to say that should there be another 9/11 type attack in this country and loss of life as a result, every single drop of blood shed will be on the President’s hands.It is no coincidence that there hasn’t been another domestic terrorist on this country since 9/11.It has been the result of of a vigilant and strong military presence coupled with these very same enhanced interrogation techniques now being released and banned by President Obama that has kept us safe for the past 7yrs & 7 months. Thank you George Bush.
With this being said, this country should not be apologizing to any one period. Revisionist history will tell you that America has freed and brought Democracy to more people in this world than all other Nations combined. We have aided & defended many nations. Americans have shed their blood and millions of lives have been lost defending many nations from oppressive forms of government for the past 65 years. So how can this be described as arrogance? How can our President stand in front of rogue dictators and bash America for being too arrogant? Is this all in the name of being part of the new World Citizenry?
I don’t want to be a citizen of the world; I want to be a citizen of the greatest country in the world, the USA. I could care less about how Europe, France, Germany, South America, Iran, Cuba, China or any other country perceives us. I live in the US.
I would suggest that if this country is such a bad place, why do people still insist on coming here and crossing our borders illegally? If this is such a bad place, why don’t these critics just pack up and move out to one of their favorite rogue nations?
I think it is time for people to start appreciating and defending this great country of ours. It is time to take ownership of your country. This is your country. This is not the Presidents country, this is the not the Secretary of State’s country or the Congress’ country, this is your country.
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