As I go thru countless news articles and blogs, I have been intrigued by how many of these so called Progressive Democrats; Limosine Liberals & Elitist types have championed the idea of a European style Socialist Agenda so blindly. It's sort of like an infatuation akin to a 40 year old virgin falling in love with a transvestite.
The interesting thing here is that the vast majority of these Latte Libs that envision Utopian communities & decry individualism & Capitalism have never taken the time to reside in any of these very same communities that practice Socialism, Communism, Fascism or Marxism. Yet somehow they can vividly describe and extol all the virtues and fairness of a Socialist way of life. They enjoy tearing down & criticizing the traditional norms & Social conservatism that has made this the greatest nation in the world. But more often than not, their blind desire to create the perfect world lies in stark confutation with the Capitalistic lives they live. Lives which in many instances allows them to make more money than they could ever dream of. Then there are those like Sean Penn, Samuel L Jackson & Naomi Campbell to name a few, that have a need to hold hands with and smooch with known dictators or leaders of Socialist countries. They praise the works of these Marxists abroad and think the world is a better place for having them around. They hobnob around with these Pinheads, and avail themselves for the photo ops that in a word say, “Screw you America”. They then retreat to their secret lives as Hollywood actors and attempt to sell you on why you should spend your hard earned $10 dollars to watch their latest movies. Movies for which they command salaries of $15-25 million dollars.
When you look at these astronomical salaries, it is obvious that Hollywood is not your typical community where everyone shares equally in Labor & Profit.
You also have Politicians being coerced and strong armed into passing legislation to reform Health Care and Nationalize Medicine at a time when they & their families benefit from the best Health Plans and Medicine in this country.Yet you never read about or hear any 60 Minute Reports on these politicians going abroad and making doctors appointment to treat their wife’s breast cancer or get a hip replacement for their mothers. You never see Katie Couric report on the many woman in Europe & other Socialist countries who are being denied cancer treatment because their government thinks it is too expensive. Maybe these woman can tell you how wonderful nationalized health care really is instead of some Geeky Lib hiding behind a laptop.
So before you go around abdicating and promoting the fairness & equitableness of a European Style Utopian Society -I have a few suggestions that you might want to consider before the other 59 million or so who want no part of this experiment, come on board.
If you believe in Nationalized Health Care, Climate Control, & Education reform so much – Write to your leaders and Representatives in Congress & the Senate & let them know to enact this legislation only for the 69 million who voted for Obama. Tell them that in the name of fairness and your desire to make this a better country for everyone, including people that are here illegally, you and another 69 million people- including the likes of Sean Penn, Samuel L Jackson, Naomi Campbell, David Brooks, Keith Olberman, Chris Matthews, Pamela Anderson,Theresa Heinz, John Kerry, Larry King, Al Gore, Colin Powell & George Soros are willing to accept & pay for the cost of running these programs. Tell them that you & they are ashamed of making so much money that you are willing to share it with those that want National Health Care, Climate Control and an Educational overhaul. Tell them that you will be more than welcome to pick up the tab of $800 billion or so that it would cost taxpayers a year to provide for these great programs. Tell your Representatives & Senators that they can save half the money on their proposed budget because there are about 59 million other people or so that want no part of these programs. Tell them that for the next 10 years you and 69 million of your closest friends all will share in and equally divide all of the fruits of your collective laboring. All for one and one for all. Just one big happy commune spread across 27 or States.
The other 59 million of us will just sit back and await for all of your wonderful success stories. We will be waiting anxiously for those heartwarming exclusives on Lifestyles of the Equally Poor.
If you believe in Nationalized Health Care, Climate Control, & Education reform so much – Write to your leaders and Representatives in Congress & the Senate & let them know to enact this legislation only for the 69 million who voted for Obama. Tell them that in the name of fairness and your desire to make this a better country for everyone, including people that are here illegally, you and another 69 million people- including the likes of Sean Penn, Samuel L Jackson, Naomi Campbell, David Brooks, Keith Olberman, Chris Matthews, Pamela Anderson,Theresa Heinz, John Kerry, Larry King, Al Gore, Colin Powell & George Soros are willing to accept & pay for the cost of running these programs. Tell them that you & they are ashamed of making so much money that you are willing to share it with those that want National Health Care, Climate Control and an Educational overhaul. Tell them that you will be more than welcome to pick up the tab of $800 billion or so that it would cost taxpayers a year to provide for these great programs. Tell your Representatives & Senators that they can save half the money on their proposed budget because there are about 59 million other people or so that want no part of these programs. Tell them that for the next 10 years you and 69 million of your closest friends all will share in and equally divide all of the fruits of your collective laboring. All for one and one for all. Just one big happy commune spread across 27 or States.
The other 59 million of us will just sit back and await for all of your wonderful success stories. We will be waiting anxiously for those heartwarming exclusives on Lifestyles of the Equally Poor.
In the meantime, we will settle for individualism, capitalism, lower taxes, Free markets, less government intrusion & a better vision for the country.
I trust you all will do a fine job. The experience of actually living thru a period of Socialist Utopia may do a world of good to your already wild imaginations.
I trust you all will do a fine job. The experience of actually living thru a period of Socialist Utopia may do a world of good to your already wild imaginations.
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