April 29, 2009 will mark President Barrack Obama’s 100th day in office. A milestone that was reached and filled with a multitude of mistakes and gaffe’s - the likes which no modern Presidency has experienced before.
If the next 1,360 are any indication of how the President will perform, I think that Saturday Night Live may have enough comedy material to last them for another decade….
Those big puffy clouds of euphoria that hovered over millions of Americans across the country and a host of News Networks shortly after 11PM on that Nov 8th election night are starting to turn into huge Nimbostratus that will shower Americans with Bigger Government, massive debt and put us on a path to Socialism Lite.
The soaring rhetoric and messages filled with hope & promise that were a staple of Barrack Obama’s campaign speeches, have abandoned the Messiah’s Teleprompter and been replaced with lies, cover-ups & apologetic speeches for the way that America has in his view, treated the rest of the world…Basically we are all getting 25 DVD’s that don’t work instead of the carved ornamental penholder from the timbers of the anti-slavery ship HMS Gannet..
It was said that all of those that voted for change, unity & bipartisanship instead of 4 more years of Bush, would see the dawning of a new day and everything that was wrong would be right and ohhh.. Halleluja!!!!
“Under my careful watch there will be no more Earmarks or Pork Barrel Spending” he said… I will go line by line and eliminate any wasteful spending and programs that don’t work. This of course will apply to any Pork Barrel projects after the first 9,000…After all, what’s a little pork between friends… Under my watch there will be no lobbyists allowed in my administration. I mean with the exception of 17 of my closest cronies…
He repeated continuously how hope will overcome fear, yet he rushed & warned members of Congress & the Senate to pass the massive $787 billion dollar Stimulus package or the US economy will forever be destroyed. So much so that he decided to take a three day getaway immediately afterwards…
I know we have all been living beyond our means and that will entail some changes in the way things will be done going forward said the Messiah in a campaign speech…A few months later while running up a 1.5 trillion dollar deficit he has the audacity to ask his Cabinet members to cut 100 million in department costs….a mere .0027% of the total deficit he ran up in less than 3 months…That’s like asking Donald Trump to get one less haircut a year…
His promise of transparency and being honest with the American people took a quick exit left right after a string of his choices for Cabinet positions turned out to be Tax cheats.Everyone from Bill Richardson to Tim Geithner.Yet, not once did he publicly denounce or ask that any of these tax cheats step down…..So much for honesty and transparency.. The list of goofs, gaffes and lies that began 100 minutes into his Presidency is endless. The handshaking and cajoling with dictators such as Hugo Chavez, Ortega & Castro..Bowing to Kings, The Apology tours, allowing AIG to live off Bailout money even after knowing for months that they were ready to pay out 165 million dollars in Bonuses to its executives…
He has all but completely dismissed his promise of Bipartisanship and working across both aisles to include Republican input on key bills & legislation...Not receiving a single Republican vote on the Stimulus bill is not my idea of trying to create real dialogue...This is arrogance as evidenced by his “I won” comment to Republicans leaders after the Stimulus Bill had passed.
He has at times acted like a 14 year old looking to get payback after being bullied by his classmates..evidence the reversal of long standing Republican policies on abortion and embryonic stem cell research...He has put Americans at risk in a time War by releasing CIA Memos detailing Enhanced Interrogation techniques used to extract key information that has led to and captured know terrorists plotting against the US. This despite polls that indicate that approximately 60% of Americans feel releasing these memos endanger the National Security of the US. He has chosen to close down Gitmo and release many of the terrorists now being held there without a plan on how and where they will be transferred to.
He has blamed America for the violence that is spilling into our country as a result of Mexican Drug traffickers. Yet he continuous to be soft on controlling our borders or admonishing their President, Felipe Calderon. And inspite of a possible Swine Flu Pandemic originating in Mexico, he has insisted that he will ensure that the Mexican border remains open…
He has shown indifference, callousness and at times been out of touch by failing to recognize the panic that flying his personal private jet, Air Force one 1500 feet over midtown Manhattan may cause New Yorkers given the events of 9/11.. These have been 100 days of stumbling, fumbling & bumbling…These have been 100 days of goofs, gaffes, good grief’s…
Unfortunately, there are still another 1360 days still to go..
If the next 1,360 are any indication of how the President will perform, I think that Saturday Night Live may have enough comedy material to last them for another decade….
Those big puffy clouds of euphoria that hovered over millions of Americans across the country and a host of News Networks shortly after 11PM on that Nov 8th election night are starting to turn into huge Nimbostratus that will shower Americans with Bigger Government, massive debt and put us on a path to Socialism Lite.
The soaring rhetoric and messages filled with hope & promise that were a staple of Barrack Obama’s campaign speeches, have abandoned the Messiah’s Teleprompter and been replaced with lies, cover-ups & apologetic speeches for the way that America has in his view, treated the rest of the world…Basically we are all getting 25 DVD’s that don’t work instead of the carved ornamental penholder from the timbers of the anti-slavery ship HMS Gannet..
It was said that all of those that voted for change, unity & bipartisanship instead of 4 more years of Bush, would see the dawning of a new day and everything that was wrong would be right and ohhh.. Halleluja!!!!
“Under my careful watch there will be no more Earmarks or Pork Barrel Spending” he said… I will go line by line and eliminate any wasteful spending and programs that don’t work. This of course will apply to any Pork Barrel projects after the first 9,000…After all, what’s a little pork between friends… Under my watch there will be no lobbyists allowed in my administration. I mean with the exception of 17 of my closest cronies…
He repeated continuously how hope will overcome fear, yet he rushed & warned members of Congress & the Senate to pass the massive $787 billion dollar Stimulus package or the US economy will forever be destroyed. So much so that he decided to take a three day getaway immediately afterwards…
I know we have all been living beyond our means and that will entail some changes in the way things will be done going forward said the Messiah in a campaign speech…A few months later while running up a 1.5 trillion dollar deficit he has the audacity to ask his Cabinet members to cut 100 million in department costs….a mere .0027% of the total deficit he ran up in less than 3 months…That’s like asking Donald Trump to get one less haircut a year…
His promise of transparency and being honest with the American people took a quick exit left right after a string of his choices for Cabinet positions turned out to be Tax cheats.Everyone from Bill Richardson to Tim Geithner.Yet, not once did he publicly denounce or ask that any of these tax cheats step down…..So much for honesty and transparency.. The list of goofs, gaffes and lies that began 100 minutes into his Presidency is endless. The handshaking and cajoling with dictators such as Hugo Chavez, Ortega & Castro..Bowing to Kings, The Apology tours, allowing AIG to live off Bailout money even after knowing for months that they were ready to pay out 165 million dollars in Bonuses to its executives…
He has all but completely dismissed his promise of Bipartisanship and working across both aisles to include Republican input on key bills & legislation...Not receiving a single Republican vote on the Stimulus bill is not my idea of trying to create real dialogue...This is arrogance as evidenced by his “I won” comment to Republicans leaders after the Stimulus Bill had passed.
He has at times acted like a 14 year old looking to get payback after being bullied by his classmates..evidence the reversal of long standing Republican policies on abortion and embryonic stem cell research...He has put Americans at risk in a time War by releasing CIA Memos detailing Enhanced Interrogation techniques used to extract key information that has led to and captured know terrorists plotting against the US. This despite polls that indicate that approximately 60% of Americans feel releasing these memos endanger the National Security of the US. He has chosen to close down Gitmo and release many of the terrorists now being held there without a plan on how and where they will be transferred to.
He has blamed America for the violence that is spilling into our country as a result of Mexican Drug traffickers. Yet he continuous to be soft on controlling our borders or admonishing their President, Felipe Calderon. And inspite of a possible Swine Flu Pandemic originating in Mexico, he has insisted that he will ensure that the Mexican border remains open…
He has shown indifference, callousness and at times been out of touch by failing to recognize the panic that flying his personal private jet, Air Force one 1500 feet over midtown Manhattan may cause New Yorkers given the events of 9/11.. These have been 100 days of stumbling, fumbling & bumbling…These have been 100 days of goofs, gaffes, good grief’s…
Unfortunately, there are still another 1360 days still to go..
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